easyToast ?

Went to use the easyToast plugin I paid for, clicked on the documentation link, got:

This Domain Name Has Expired

Would be nice if the documentation can be hosted @ Corona or made available somewhere.

Basic version of corona based toast (not native) is available in ui framework: https://marketplace.coronalabs.com/plugin/ui-framework

Not the same but alternative if you haveing trouble.

That isn’t an answer to the post. The basic version is extremely limited which is why I purchased easyToast. I’m hoping someone @ Corona has a copy of the documentation since they allowed it into the Marketplace for a price.

Corona won’t have a copy of the documentation. Plugin devs are responsible for hosting there own documentation. You should contact the seller

You have his email? His “Documentation” link on the marketplace is dead. His Support Website on the marketplace is dead. His “Visit Vendor’s Website” link on the marketplace is dead.

Plugins are hosted by Corona and purchases are managed by Corona and plugin inclusion into builds are handled by Corona. I don’t blame Corona for this plug in but they should no longer host it - or at least post something on the plug in page about this abandonment.

I have e-mailed the developer and have temporarily disabled them from future purchases until he updates his documentation and support links.


The problem is most plugins don’t raise enough money to cover basic hosting costs.  I have to agree that if the plugin is available for sale (via Corona) then Corona should be hosting the documentation on their servers.

I like manging my own docs, @anon63346430 there are thousands of free options to host docs github, bitbucket, gitlab, read the docs, firebase has free hosting( which is what I use), or even just share a google drive link to a word document

@Scott not aimed at you at all… but paying customers need to be supported if the plugin dev goes AWOL.

So a backup on Corona servers makes some sense or maybe Corona need to ensure the documentation will outlast the dev (with the free options you mentioned).

Corona can do this if they want, but I don’t plan to port my documentation.

Building out a user-generated content site that’s secure and manageable is a time consuming and requires a lot of management. Sites like GitHub are already perfect for this and free to use.


I had the same issue as you, needing the documentation. Luckily I am pretty decent at reverse engineering. I used inspect to print the table definition for EasyToast and got the results below.

\<1\>{ \_\_index = \<table 1\>, \_\_metatableOrig = \<2\>{ \_\_index = \<table 2\>, \_\_metatableOrig = \<3\>{ \_\_index = \<table 3\>, \_\_metatableOrig = \<4\>{ \_\_index = \<table 4\>, \_defaults = { anonymousCount = 0, newClassOptions = {} }, class = \<table 4\>, initialize = \<function 1\>, instanceOf = \<function 2\>, isClass = \<function 3\>, isRoot = \<function 4\>, new = \<function 5\>, newClass = \<function 6\>, setExtension = \<function 7\>, super = \<table 4\> }, class = \<table 3\>, getCurrentProvider = \<function 8\>, getProvider = \<function 9\>, initialize = \<function 10\>, initializeProvider = \<function 11\>, name = "anonymous", new = \<function 12\>, providerNameToModuleName = \<function 13\>, publisherId = "anonymous", requireProvider = \<function 14\>, revision = 1, setCurrentProvider = \<function 15\>, shouldNewConvertFirstParameterToInstance = true, super = \<table 4\>, version = 1, \<metatable\> = \<table 4\> }, class = \<table 2\>, name = "easyToast", super = \<table 3\>, \<metatable\> = \<table 3\> }, class = \<table 2\>, get = \<function 16\>, name = "easyToast", publisherId = "com.jayjaym", setDuration = \<function 17\>, setNewBGRect = \<function 18\>, setNewFont = \<function 19\>, setNewFontColor = \<function 20\>, setNewFontSize = \<function 21\>, setNewLocation = \<function 22\>, setRectColor = \<function 23\>, setStartFunc = \<function 24\>, setYOffset = \<function 25\>, show = \<function 26\>, \<metatable\> = \<table 2\> }

Most of the first part is the Corona super class initialization. The pertinent part is here:

get = \<function 16\>, name = "easyToast", publisherId = "com.jayjaym", setDuration = \<function 17\>, setNewBGRect = \<function 18\>, setNewFont = \<function 19\>, setNewFontColor = \<function 20\>, setNewFontSize = \<function 21\>, setNewLocation = \<function 22\>, setRectColor = \<function 23\>, setStartFunc = \<function 24\>, setYOffset = \<function 25\>, show = \<function 26\>,

This pretty much shows what the api is. Of course I had to use a little trial and error to figure out the parameters. Luckily I had some code already to help along the way. 


-- int fontSize toast.setNewFontSize(60) -- int width, int height toast.setNewLocation( display.contentCenterX, 200 ) -- int offset - I think this is a text offset so in this case the text is 80 px off center toast.setYOffset( 80 ) -- Luckily I had this code laying around. Would have never remembered to pass a function. I do recall a reason it was -- designed this way but it escapes me at the moment. -- function - must return an image toast.setNewBGRect( function() local image = display.newImageRect("assets/images/toast\_bg.png", 700,100) return image end ) -- int duration - The milliseconds that the toast should be displayed toast.setDuration( 500 ) -- string message - The message for the toast toast.show('Some important notification') 

Hope this helps anyone else who may have an issue. 

I’ve dumped easyToast and invested less than $5 for a much better plugin with superior documentation from Braintonik. For me this issue is resolved.

@lessmsios - can you point me to the other plugin you like?  I couldn’t locate it ( I tried searching for “Braintonik” and go “0” search results)

Go to Marketplace and search for “dialogs” and one of your choices will be:

"Dialogs (Normal, Informative, Calendar, Menu)"

The author has a full demo source with full documentation on github.

Cool, thanks!