Enable and disable innerActive Ads from inneractive account

Hi Guys,

One question: Is there a way to enable /disable inneractive adds from inneractive account?

I have a Free APP in Appstore with Inneractive ads enabled, If I like to change this from Free APP to paid App, i can do it easily from Itune connect, but if I changed to Paid App, I do not want the ads shown on App, is there a way I can disable the ads from inneractive account without changing my App binary file?

Thanks in advance

Mila [import]uid: 83418 topic_id: 25209 reply_id: 325209[/import]

same [import]uid: 45977 topic_id: 25209 reply_id: 102243[/import]

Nice question Mila.

I would like to know about it too.

Rodrigo. [import]uid: 89165 topic_id: 25209 reply_id: 102244[/import]

Hey guys,

You can do so by sending me an email with your account details and appID and we can disable ads for your app on our side.

I will suggest this option to our R&D team for the next version of the dashboard.

Please send an email to orly[at]inner-active[dot]com [import]uid: 109623 topic_id: 25209 reply_id: 102404[/import]

Hi Orly,

It is good there is a way to do it.Lat time, I have to rebuild a binary to remove Ads when I change a Free version to paid version.

Hi Peach :

Sorry I double posted that day. When I posted, after I click save, then it was just showing a blank page, I tried several times, this may caused double post, sorry again.

Mila [import]uid: 83418 topic_id: 25209 reply_id: 102441[/import]

Hey Mila,

RE the double thread, that’s OK - a few people did it that day because the forum was having issues, just in the habit of reminding people not to just in case :wink: [import]uid: 52491 topic_id: 25209 reply_id: 102483[/import]