Trying to get Fortumo working and when the Corona simulator tries to grab the plugin, this is the error I get:
Windows simulator build date: Jul 31 2013 @ 12:44:19
Copyright © 2009-2013 C o r o n a L a b s I n c .
Version: 2.0.0
Build: 2013.1177
PluginSync: plugin com.fortumo/plugin.fortumo needs to be updated for platform w
in32-sim to build number: 1106
PluginSync: downloading plugin:
[C]: ?
?: in function ‘handlePluginDownload’
?: in function <?:474>
I was running 2013.1161 and upgraded to 2013.1177 to see if the problem went away, and it didn’t.
I see the error message makes mention of 1106… I hope that does not mean I have to stay on that version, as it would not be possible.