Error getting plugin

Trying to get Fortumo working and when the Corona simulator tries to grab the plugin, this is the error I get:

Windows simulator build date: Jul 31 2013 @ 12:44:19

Copyright © 2009-2013  C o r o n a   L a b s   I n c .

        Version: 2.0.0

        Build: 2013.1177

PluginSync: plugin com.fortumo/plugin.fortumo needs to be updated for platform w

in32-sim to build number: 1106

PluginSync: downloading plugin:



    [C]: ?

    ?: in function ‘handlePluginDownload’

    ?: in function <?:474>


I was running 2013.1161 and upgraded to 2013.1177 to see if the problem went away, and it didn’t.

I see the error message makes mention of 1106…  I hope that does not mean I have to stay on that version, as it would not be possible.


Can you post your build.settings?

Sure… here you go.

Thanks Rob.


settings = {

    plugins = {

        – key is the name passed to Lua’s ‘require()’

        [“plugin.fortumo”] =


            – required

            publisherId = “com.fortumo”,




    orientation = {

        default = “portrait”,

        supported = { “portrait”, }


    – Android permissions

    android =


        versionCode = 12,

        versionName = “1.2”,

        usesPermissions =







Anyone experience this?

I am stuck at this point.

If you were on a Mac, I’d tell you to go clean out the folder with the downloaded plugins.  I don’t know exactly where they are on a PC.  I think they are in:

C:\Documents and Settings\yourhomefolder\Application Data\Corona Labs\Plugins

or some path like that.  I’m going to ask the engineers to see for sure.  While I’m asking them, can you see if that path exists and if so, remove any fortumo plugin there?  It’s late on a Friday, so it may be early next week before I get a response.


Hi Rob… There was a 1K fortumo zip file in the plugins folder, and I deleted it. I still get that error message when I try again. I also tried to unzip the file to see if there is anything in there and I got a “corrupt zip file” error message. I appreciate the help.

Is there also a Manifest.xml file in that folder?  Can you remove that as well?



There is no manifest.xml file, but there is a manifestSimulator.json file there.

I just tried it now after putting this away for a couple of days, and I did not get an error, and I see a fortumo.lua file in the folder.  That was not there before, so I think this started working on its own.  The simulator output window shows some weird characters as well.

Let me run through this a bit more to see if everything is working.  I’ll report back on my findings.

Thanks Rob.

Have you tried running the Fortumo sample? You can find a link at the bottom of this page:

I ran it on the Windows simulator (build 1180) and it loads and builds without any errors.

The “1106” specifies the minimum build required for this plugin. (Actually, plugins are only supported starting with build 1137).

Can you post your build.settings?

Sure… here you go.

Thanks Rob.


settings = {

    plugins = {

        – key is the name passed to Lua’s ‘require()’

        [“plugin.fortumo”] =


            – required

            publisherId = “com.fortumo”,




    orientation = {

        default = “portrait”,

        supported = { “portrait”, }


    – Android permissions

    android =


        versionCode = 12,

        versionName = “1.2”,

        usesPermissions =







Anyone experience this?

I am stuck at this point.

If you were on a Mac, I’d tell you to go clean out the folder with the downloaded plugins.  I don’t know exactly where they are on a PC.  I think they are in:

C:\Documents and Settings\yourhomefolder\Application Data\Corona Labs\Plugins

or some path like that.  I’m going to ask the engineers to see for sure.  While I’m asking them, can you see if that path exists and if so, remove any fortumo plugin there?  It’s late on a Friday, so it may be early next week before I get a response.


Hi Rob… There was a 1K fortumo zip file in the plugins folder, and I deleted it. I still get that error message when I try again. I also tried to unzip the file to see if there is anything in there and I got a “corrupt zip file” error message. I appreciate the help.

Is there also a Manifest.xml file in that folder?  Can you remove that as well?



There is no manifest.xml file, but there is a manifestSimulator.json file there.

I just tried it now after putting this away for a couple of days, and I did not get an error, and I see a fortumo.lua file in the folder.  That was not there before, so I think this started working on its own.  The simulator output window shows some weird characters as well.

Let me run through this a bit more to see if everything is working.  I’ll report back on my findings.

Thanks Rob.

Have you tried running the Fortumo sample? You can find a link at the bottom of this page:

I ran it on the Windows simulator (build 1180) and it loads and builds without any errors.

The “1106” specifies the minimum build required for this plugin. (Actually, plugins are only supported starting with build 1137).