Facebook V4a Share Link Dialog require login again

Can you all try the facebook sample app we included with each daily build?


Hi @Rob,

As i mentioned in my first post that i already testing with Corona’s Facebook Sample App and getting this same issue and screenshot attached is also with that sample App.

Do you want any other info from me to find the issue ?

Bhavin :slight_smile:

@Rob, do you see that Bhavin’s original post includes the screenshot of your sample Facebook app? This remains the last Facebook issue I’m having. So, anything you can do would be very much appreciated.

@Rob, Facebook has also stated the login from the share button is not normal behavior when their support just emailed me, "As we have experienced from the other multiple App, Share requiring Login is not normal behavior.  Please find here everything you need to know on how to successfully implement our Share Social Plugin:https://developers.facebook.com/docs/plugins/share-button"

Hope this helps. We are waiting to fix this last issue before we can post our app update.

@Rob, do you see what Facebook wrote to @troylyndon above? It is not normal behavior for the Share to require a login. I used the sample app for the FB4a plugin so it should be duplicatable and something the Corona team could fix.

I have asked Engineering to look at this.


@Rob, we’re testing and planning to release both our apps with the double-login issue. Please keep this a priority for your Engineers, because it definately impacts social sharing and we have no other options.

@Rob, it’s now LIVE. Double-login issue remains.

Hi Rob. Are there any news with Facebook plugin?

Our engineers are focused on Android 64 bit at the moment.


@Rob, is it safe to say that after the core Corona SDK is in 64-bit, your team will also be working on the Corona-made plugins, too? And would you say that the FB plugin is a priority?

The core plan is to start working on Switch support next and then we haver to get the Apple Graphics Language addressed. We will likely address some issues in between. I can’t commit to that. I think what’s more likely is we push that plugin to open source and give the community an opportunity to keep it up to date.


@Rob, on May 28, Facebook sent me this message. The timing couldn’t be worse.
FACEBOOK: Please upgrade now to access new privacy features:

Your app Play The Bible uses Facebook SDK for Android v4.38.1 and Facebook SDK for iOS v4.38.0.

Delay Automatic Events
Pause sending events like App Install and App Launch until your app users consent.
Delay SDK Initialization
Block all network requests until your app users consent.

Upgrade Instructions
For Android: Please update the dynamic version of Facebook SDK in your build.gradle file: implementation ‘com.facebook.android:facebook-android-sdk:[5,6)’
For iOS: Please upgrade to SDK v5.0 and above to access new privacy features.

I’ve reported it to engineering…

@Rob , Any update for second time login for Share Link Dialog ?

I just tested SHOW_REQUEST_DIALOG , that also require second time login.

@vlads , I am still getting this issue.

I have tried daily build 2020.3606 and still getting same issue while I try to go for Facebook dialog.

second issue I found with Android only is that :
After open game request dialog , I select some friends and click on send button --> Game request end to select friends but I am not getting any callback. (on iOS I am getting callback )

Please help me on this.
Thank you.
Bhavin :slight_smile: