FAN - ads available on desktop?

From the documentation:

supportedPlatforms = { iphone=true, android=true, osx=true, [“win32-sim”]=true }


The ads will show on Mac desktop apps? 

Don’t know any other ad provider that shows ads there.


Ads should show in the simulator on Windows?

On my Windows I am getting the following in the Corona simulator console:

The ‘plugin.fbAudienceNetwork’ library is not available on this platform


Hello there.

The osx/win-sim lines are there to allow the Corona Simulator to download the plugin’s stub files, so you can call fbAudienceNetwork.* apis during development on the Corona Simulator, without runtime errors regarding “plugin not found”. The actual functionality is not available, as FAN don’t offer a desktop SDK.


Hello there.

The osx/win-sim lines are there to allow the Corona Simulator to download the plugin’s stub files, so you can call fbAudienceNetwork.* apis during development on the Corona Simulator, without runtime errors regarding “plugin not found”. The actual functionality is not available, as FAN don’t offer a desktop SDK.
