Faster Alternatives, Raw Data

  1. It seems to take 12 hours or more for the data to turn up in Game Analytics, it’s too long. Is there a commercial offering that is faster?

  2. I don’t really like their interface / the way they imaging things should work, is there a way of A) extracting the raw data from GA and not using the UI or B) is there another offering where I can just log raw events and download - that is all I want - I can play with it myself in Excel.


  1. It takes up to 24 hours for data to show up in GA except for the Realtime dashboard where the delay is up to 5 minutes (if we are not experiencing any processing delays).

  2. You can export the data (and perform an analysis on your own) or you can export to CSV any metric and visualize it in Excel.

If anyone needs further info on these please forward the friendly support team a request (

Also, I recommend our docs and guides about how the tool works.

  1. It takes up to 24 hours for data to show up in GA except for the Realtime dashboard where the delay is up to 5 minutes (if we are not experiencing any processing delays).

  2. You can export the data (and perform an analysis on your own) or you can export to CSV any metric and visualize it in Excel.

If anyone needs further info on these please forward the friendly support team a request (

Also, I recommend our docs and guides about how the tool works.