I keep getting an error when I try to add the firebase plugin to my app. I have already activated it on my account through the plugin store and I have also added it to my build.settings. When I add this line to my main.lua or any other file: “local firebase = require(“plugin.firebase”)”, I get this error: Can anyone help?
Module ‘plugin_firebase’ not found:
no field package.preload[‘plugin_firebase’]
no file ‘/Users/…/Library/Application Support/Corona/Simulator/Plugins/plugin_firebase.lua’
no file ‘/Users/…/Dropbox/Schedule App (Summer)/Mobile/Schedule (Current)/plugin_firebase.lua’
no file ‘/Applications/CoronaSDK/Corona Simulator.app/Contents/Resources/plugin_firebase.lua’
no file ‘/Users/…/Library/Application Support/Corona/Simulator/Plugins/plugin_firebase.dylib’
no file ‘./plugin_firebase.dylib’
no file ‘/Applications/CoronaSDK/Corona Simulator.app/Contents/Resources/plugin_firebase.dylib’
File: module ‘plugin_firebase’ not found
Can anyone help?