Flurry analytics for Android[Nook And Amazon]

Hello Team,


I have registered as eggbouncegame@gmail.com on Flurry.

I have prepared an application using for Pro Subscription.

It support so many market/stores. As i have prepared my application specially for Apple, Google Play , Amazon and Nook markets.

I’m able to create Flurry Application key for IOS application and Android application.

As we know Google Play, Amazon and Nook comes in category of Android environment. There is single source code for all three stores.

So how a common app_key work for analytics of all my android applications. 

Please let me suggest the solution for it and also let me know about how you provide support analytics for Amazon and Nook.

Also, Can you please let me know how Corona Support for Google Analytics?


Hi there, you might have posted this in the wrong forum. We only handle problems with the GameAnalytics plugin specifically (www.gameanalytics.com) in this one. 

Hi there, you might have posted this in the wrong forum. We only handle problems with the GameAnalytics plugin specifically (www.gameanalytics.com) in this one.