Fortumo callback on makePayment() never gets called

I’m running Fortumo in sandbox mode (haven’t clicked ‘Go Live’ yet), and the entire process runs through smoothly.  Only thing is that the callback doesn’t get called…


function onPaymentComplete(response)

  – this showAlert is never getting called…

  native.showAlert(“Fortumo Payment”, response.billingStatus, {‘OK’})


local request = fortumo.newPaymentRequest()

request:setDisplayString(“Pack of Undos”)

request:setService(fortumoID, fortumoSecret)


fortumo.makePayment(request, onPaymentComplete)


fortumoID and fortumoSecret are my two vars to hold those values.  Overall, the native.showAlert()'s not getting called in the callback to indicate the callback function is never getting called.  However, the whole series of Fortumo dialogs goes all the way through payment straight through to a final confirmation dialog that the purchase was made.  Only problem is without the callback running I can’t tell if that purchase was made successfully.

Anyone else run into this?



Hi Nate,

Thanks for reporting this issue - could you please contact me, also specifying your Service ID, so that we could investigate this further and keep you posted?



Hi Anna - thanks for getting in touch.  I’ve actually written Fortumo support and chatting with someone from there who’s been a great help.  Thanks though!


Hi Nate,

Thanks for reporting this issue - could you please contact me, also specifying your Service ID, so that we could investigate this further and keep you posted?



Hi Anna - thanks for getting in touch.  I’ve actually written Fortumo support and chatting with someone from there who’s been a great help.  Thanks though!
