Fortumo Set The Least Price as Default From Drop Down Option


I know that price points are fixed and can be set on the site itself. But my question, is there any way to set the

default price to the least amount whenever the drop down option is available? Because everytime the payment option shows, it always promote the 2nd most expensive conversion. Is there a way to set it always from the least amount so it won’t scare the users about the amount? i tried request:setPriceAmount(“1.99”) but it’s not working maybe because the conversion in our country is PHP, so i tried the least amount of (“20.00”) also not working.

Hello Rhaineyensid,

unfortunately there is no way for a developer to change the default price point. We thought about this feature some time ago too but it didn’t make it into our SDK yet and I cannot make any promises that it will.

Hello Rhaineyensid,

unfortunately there is no way for a developer to change the default price point. We thought about this feature some time ago too but it didn’t make it into our SDK yet and I cannot make any promises that it will.