Game Stops then Starts when using Fuse SDK

I’m using Fuse with build 2016.2818.

After a few minutes the game begins to stop animating and does not respond to touch for 5 seconds or longer.

This only started happening when I began integrating Fuse.

The issue occurs wether I show ads or not.

To narrow down if Fuse was the culprit I tried:

  1. Building without showing Fuse ads and “Enable Analytics and Monetization” ticked off (so FuseSDK is not integrated).
  • It runs perfectly

2) Building without showing Fuse ads and “Enable Analytics and Monetization” ticked on (so FuseSKD is integrated).

  • It stops animating and  stops responding to touch after a few minutes.

3) Building with showing Fuse ads and “Enable Analytics and Monetization” ticked on (so FuseSKD is integrated).

  • It stops animating and stops responding to touch after a few minutes.

Of course it may not be the Fuse SDK - causing the issue - it could be something else that is included when the “Enable Analytics and Monetization” option is ticked on.

Is anyone else experiencing this problem?

Is there a work around?

