Game thrive push notifications limit

Hi there, How is the notifications limit counted? Is one push to 10 devices counted as 10 notifications, or is that counted as one? The reason I ask is because I’m trying out parse at the moment and they count it per api call, so unlimited number of notifications is counted as one and thats is great for realtime push notifications. But I like game thrive plugin more, its easier to work with on android devices.


To set your account as a Corona developer sign into our site and click on “Account” in the upper right. The page will show your current plan with a button that says “Change or Upgrade Plan” which you need to click. Right below where it says “Available Plans” click on the tab that says “Corona SDK Plans” and select the plan in there.


Thank you jkasten =)) I already have an account on gamethrive and I love gamethrive services. What I was wondering is how the notifications limit is counted, on my account I only se in procents how many notifications has been sent. At the moment It says 0.0% even though I have sent om some test pushes. Some providers count the amount of notifications that are sent out depending on how many subscribers there is, while some count all notifications as one undefended of how many subscribers receiving the push. I don’t always make my self clear as english is not my first language, I hope you understand what I mean?

If your exclusively using GameThrive for Corona you don’t have to worry about limits as both the number of devices and the number of monthly notifications are unlimited for Corona developers. If you have other apps not made with Corona using our service we count a 1 ‘notification’ as 1 device receiving your message. For example if you create one notification on our site and it goes out to 100 devices that is counted as 100 notifications to your monthly limit. The monthly limit starts on the day you signed up.

The reason why you might not be seeing a percent change as 100 notifications would be 0.01% which is the minimum amount to see a change.


I am using Corona, that makes me very happy :smiley: Thank you very much for the clear up jkasten  :slight_smile:


To set your account as a Corona developer sign into our site and click on “Account” in the upper right. The page will show your current plan with a button that says “Change or Upgrade Plan” which you need to click. Right below where it says “Available Plans” click on the tab that says “Corona SDK Plans” and select the plan in there.


Thank you jkasten =)) I already have an account on gamethrive and I love gamethrive services. What I was wondering is how the notifications limit is counted, on my account I only se in procents how many notifications has been sent. At the moment It says 0.0% even though I have sent om some test pushes. Some providers count the amount of notifications that are sent out depending on how many subscribers there is, while some count all notifications as one undefended of how many subscribers receiving the push. I don’t always make my self clear as english is not my first language, I hope you understand what I mean?

If your exclusively using GameThrive for Corona you don’t have to worry about limits as both the number of devices and the number of monthly notifications are unlimited for Corona developers. If you have other apps not made with Corona using our service we count a 1 ‘notification’ as 1 device receiving your message. For example if you create one notification on our site and it goes out to 100 devices that is counted as 100 notifications to your monthly limit. The monthly limit starts on the day you signed up.

The reason why you might not be seeing a percent change as 100 notifications would be 0.01% which is the minimum amount to see a change.


I am using Corona, that makes me very happy :smiley: Thank you very much for the clear up jkasten  :slight_smile: