GameAnalitics addBusinesEvent issue

i Use it in my code:

local gameanalytics = require 'plugin.gameanalytics\_v2' ... ... gameanalytics.addBusinessEvent({ currency = "USD", amount = 99, itemType = itemType, itemId = sendName, cartType = "shop", }) ...

all as in the example.

But the data in the graphs are not displayed. What did I miss?

Do I need to give users unique names myself?

(by useng ga.configureUserId(“my_custom_id”)  ) 

I dont use this line of code. 

So I have not used it the way you are using it. For me to get anything in that view that you are showing, I would have to do receipt validation. Second I always send the the customer_id that is generated from GameSparks in the configureUserId, but I believe that GA creates one if you don’t send one.

I also believe in this)))  I check the purchase by Gamesparks and only then I send the event to gameAnalitics. (before that I riveted the recipe and still this field was empty) 

The Type field can be any string or it needs to be registered somewhere in advance as in a resource event? ( gameanalytics.configureAvailableResourceItemTypes({“sets”,“card_packs”} )

The problem is solved. I just forgot to specify a private key on the game server (Bundle Identifier).

So I have not used it the way you are using it. For me to get anything in that view that you are showing, I would have to do receipt validation. Second I always send the the customer_id that is generated from GameSparks in the configureUserId, but I believe that GA creates one if you don’t send one.

I also believe in this)))  I check the purchase by Gamesparks and only then I send the event to gameAnalitics. (before that I riveted the recipe and still this field was empty) 

The Type field can be any string or it needs to be registered somewhere in advance as in a resource event? ( gameanalytics.configureAvailableResourceItemTypes({“sets”,“card_packs”} )

The problem is solved. I just forgot to specify a private key on the game server (Bundle Identifier).