GameAnalytics is no longer supporting CoronaSDK what should we do?

I have been wondering where the promised version 2 of GameAnalytics is, It was originally promised 3Q of 2015. so i sent an enquiry to GA and this is what i got.

Stephen KenzieThursday at 12:24

Have you dropped future support for Corona SDK? You promised an update last summer. Current version I have is GA Corona 0.2.9 LEGACY.



Cristian BercuFriday at 07:50

Hello Stephen.

We expected to have a v2 Corona SDK in Q4 but unfortunately, we did not had the resources to do it.

We no longer have a development team for the Corona SDK and as a result we stopped promoting it. We still support the legacy one and users who would like to switch to v2 are redirected to use our REST API docs and create their own integration.

Is there any other way I can help you?


Cristian Bercu - Support Engineer @ GameAnalytics

It is too bad because i really like GA.  Is Corana working on the update?  Does anyone else here want to work on writing an update together?


We have been using the Flurry plugin from the beginning and it is an amazing solution.

Unfortunately Flurry does not automatically calculate many things that GA does. 

What are you looking for as automatic calculation ?

  • You have to create links to attribute installs to a particular ad provider. It doesn’t have any ad providers integration. Some ad providers make you jump through hoops to use those links. Even the Admob self service portal makes it hard.

  • Although you can see those installs by 7 or 14 day retention. I don’t know of any way to show them in the normal retention tables or group them by other properties (country or particular in game events) unless I download the data.

  • Although you can track IAP using custom events. It is not easy to track those installs by channels to those IAPs.

  • So in the  end of the day it is vary hard to see the cost to acquire a player vs what revenue they produce by channel. In short it is very hard to know for example if a customer on average acquired through Admob for $1.10 produces more revenue than one acquired through Inmobi for .90 cents?

GA is completely different. It integrates with a few user acquisition tools including AppsFlyer. With very little work you can determine the average value of a customer compared with the cost of a similar customer for another channel. 

I stayed away from industry jargon on purpose, and I use Flurry for my Corona apps (no choice) and some none Corona apps (I have a few native apps and some MadeWithMarmalade apps that I did for fun and don’t plan to advertise).

Oh ok. In our case we are not relying on any advertising platform so we do not needs such integration. I now understand why Flurry is not the best solution for you.

problem swith Flurry:

  • We can’t send a lot of value, if we want to do the only way i find is to put all my value inside the name of the value after that to use this value I dowload file in CSV and an algorithme generate a json file.

  • Can’t receive file, i would like to send json file

@remiduchalard; you can send a lot of value per event as you provide a table of key/value pairs. In our case we have around 60 events with an average of 10 params for each of them.

I agree that using the data afterward is not easy depending what is your goal. In our case we have written code in Excel VBA to take the data and generate charts for it. It was a small investment in time, but today our report can be send to our customer in full glory :slight_smile:

Awesome… I had no problems 4 months ago, but now analytics are failing to send out of the device. I think to do https versus http settings. Time to migrate to a supported solution I guess…

Hi @Rick.Kelly,

I suggest you explore Google Analytics as an alternative solution. Here’s the documentation:

Best regards,


Thanks Brent! Took about 10 minutes to swap out (already had google analytics setup for other stuff). Google Analytics is nice, but I honestly still prefer Game Analytics… shame that I can’t verify all the features from the simulator now (Google Analytics doesn’t support the simulator).

Am I doing something wrong or does Google Analytics not report crashes?

You would have to record an event and pass in your own data for it.

We have been using the Flurry plugin from the beginning and it is an amazing solution.

Unfortunately Flurry does not automatically calculate many things that GA does. 

What are you looking for as automatic calculation ?

  • You have to create links to attribute installs to a particular ad provider. It doesn’t have any ad providers integration. Some ad providers make you jump through hoops to use those links. Even the Admob self service portal makes it hard.

  • Although you can see those installs by 7 or 14 day retention. I don’t know of any way to show them in the normal retention tables or group them by other properties (country or particular in game events) unless I download the data.

  • Although you can track IAP using custom events. It is not easy to track those installs by channels to those IAPs.

  • So in the  end of the day it is vary hard to see the cost to acquire a player vs what revenue they produce by channel. In short it is very hard to know for example if a customer on average acquired through Admob for $1.10 produces more revenue than one acquired through Inmobi for .90 cents?

GA is completely different. It integrates with a few user acquisition tools including AppsFlyer. With very little work you can determine the average value of a customer compared with the cost of a similar customer for another channel. 

I stayed away from industry jargon on purpose, and I use Flurry for my Corona apps (no choice) and some none Corona apps (I have a few native apps and some MadeWithMarmalade apps that I did for fun and don’t plan to advertise).

Oh ok. In our case we are not relying on any advertising platform so we do not needs such integration. I now understand why Flurry is not the best solution for you.

problem swith Flurry:

  • We can’t send a lot of value, if we want to do the only way i find is to put all my value inside the name of the value after that to use this value I dowload file in CSV and an algorithme generate a json file.

  • Can’t receive file, i would like to send json file

@remiduchalard; you can send a lot of value per event as you provide a table of key/value pairs. In our case we have around 60 events with an average of 10 params for each of them.

I agree that using the data afterward is not easy depending what is your goal. In our case we have written code in Excel VBA to take the data and generate charts for it. It was a small investment in time, but today our report can be send to our customer in full glory :slight_smile: