General game template

Our general game template just went live to the marketplace. Rather than being a specific game template, this one is a series of splash screens, a menu screen, a settings screen, and just an empty-ish scene for building the game into.

Game save and settings files are handled automatically by a couple of functions, so provided you use the data tables already created and just call the save game function whenever you need to update the save file, this should all just magically take care of itself.

For GDPR, the settings scene includes a personalised-ads option (opted out by default) and AppLovin is built in and uses this to enable cookie based ad personalisation if the player consents.

Ref the marketplace page and documentation page for all the info, and for a video demo. In a nutshell, it’s all the boring bits that nobody wants to have to write every time they start making a game. Originally built this for internal use and figured it might be useful enough to others so this release is a bit of an afterthought - hope a few of you make use of it!

Documentation at

Hey Richard, nice work - again!


Hey Richard, nice work - again!
