Gigjam48 - Corona Game Jam


That’s awesome that you were able to take what you did in 48 hours and make something profitable from it! Hopefully you can repeat that this time round as well :slight_smile:


Yup you were right, there they all were sitting comfortably in my Spam folder.



As for a cut-off date for entrants, probably up until the last few hours before kick-off I guess. And as for judge, maybe a week before but that is a complete guess  :slight_smile:

We’re thinking of charing a small entrance fee to cover our costs & time ( we’re going to be in the office for the full 48 hours to be able to sort stuff out for anyone in whatever time zone and all the hosting of the submissions for the judges etc ). Would people be ok with that? 


It would be very small and we’re not planning on making money off this, it really is just to help deal with everything. 


If it turns out not many people are going to enter then we simply won’t charge entry as admin costs will be low ( unless that of course spurs on more interest then we will have ourselves a catch 22 type situation ).

This sounds like fun I am definitely in on it.


Since it starts on Star Wars day will it be a space theme???


Looking forward to it and whatever prizes you can come up with!!

I’m okay with a small entrance fee ($5-10 USD maybe?).


Haha, not sure about the theme yet. Probably going to be a bit more broad and open to interpretation than that :slight_smile: We’ve got some nice prizes lined up so far which will be announced in the next couple of days. We’re working on an overhaul to our website and will have a GIG Jam page on there with all the details etc.



That’s the sort of range we were thinking yes, this really isn’t meant to be a get rich quick scheme :slight_smile:

When Techority was doing their game jam thing I *think* there was about a $10 entry fee and it seemed like most folks were okay with that. If it’s a lowish fee it probably won’t keep anyone out. 


You could even allow people to pay a little extra for “scholarships” if there’s someone who *really* can’t afford it. For example, if the entry is $15 and I paid $20, that extra $5 could go toward a scholarship for someone else. On the other hand, that idea may be more hassle than it’s worth, so feel free to forget I mentioned it. :slight_smile:


But I’m in even with an entry fee.



Yea I think $10 is a nice number. Low enough that it shouldn’t be a barrier for people.

We have now decided on the dates of the 4th - 5th May and the entry fee of $10. If anyone isn’t ok with these please speak now  :slight_smile:


The jam will kickoff at 12am on Friday night GMT.

Hmm, I am in Egypt that weekend. However I will have my macbook air with me so I still might be able to knock something up next to the pool!

Darn it, although being at a pool in Egypt for a game jam actually sounds pretty nice  :slight_smile: If it turns out the majority of people can’t do the date then we are open to others. Want to get as many people as possible.


If it’s successful we’re thinking of making this a bi-annual thing if people were up for it so there would be another weekend in 6 months or so aswell.

We’ve got some special codes to buy a few of the prizes ( still trying to get more ) during the competition at discount prices, these are only for entrants  :wink:

My friend is up for partnering with me, so i’ll be signing up shortly :D 


Just a quick update to say that we now have just under $2000 worth of software licences for prizes and hope to have some more prizes soon. We will be announcing the specific prizes soon when we have our new site up and running.

Great job organizing such a thing!  Sure hope I can take some PTO and participate!

Would be great to see you competing!

Really looking forward to this, prizes are always a bonus too  :smiley:

Hopefully they will act as some nice icing on the cake :slight_smile:

More information including prizes and sign-up is now available -

Just added a prize for 1st place that was meant to be there before, a licence for Kwik 2.