Google Analytics plugin ios IFDA Warning

Hi, I’m trying to submit an App to AppStore and I have a IFDA Warning. I think It’s the Google Analytics plugin. I’m using the latest stable Corona build (2992). What build of Corona with Google Analytics is accepting Apple?


What did you answer to the question iTunes asked about does your app use IDFA.  If you answer no and they find any tracking plugins like GA then you will receive this error.  It is safe to answer yes to that question.

Yes, but GA plugin don’t align to any option with iTunesConnect IFDA reasons.

Just answer that you use IDFA to allocate an install to a previously served ad.  This keeps iTunes happy.

What did you answer to the question iTunes asked about does your app use IDFA.  If you answer no and they find any tracking plugins like GA then you will receive this error.  It is safe to answer yes to that question.

Yes, but GA plugin don’t align to any option with iTunesConnect IFDA reasons.

Just answer that you use IDFA to allocate an install to a previously served ad.  This keeps iTunes happy.