gpgs.getAccountName() Permission

Hi everyone,

I am using gpgs.getAccountName() function on my game to retrieve the e-mail address of the user after a successful login with Google Play Games Services.

According to the documentation, the function requires GET_ACCOUNTS permission.

The issue is that the user is being prompted to give access to the full Contact list, while I just need to know their e-mail address.

I am receiving a lot of bad (1 star) review because of this permission by people that thinks that my game is a spyware and I steal their contact list, and Google is not removing those reviews when I report them.

Is there anything that can be modified on the gpgs plugin or that I can do on my app to retrieve the e-mail address without asking the user to access their contacts?

Thanks a lot

Let me ask Engineering. Google usually sets the requirements for what permissions are needed.


I can tell that there are no ways to modify gpgs plugin somehow without GET_ACCOUNTS permission if we still need to use gpgs.getAccountName() method. The google official reference is answering on that

In gpgs plugin code we just call provided method with checking permissions.
