Greetings from GameSparks!

Hi everybody! 

With GameSparks now on the Corona Marketplace, I thought it would be a good idea to say hi and introduce ourselves a bit…

Some of you may have already see the Marketplace page for GameSparks or spotted some of the GameSparks staff floating around the forums answering questions. If you haven’t, not to worry! Here’s a brief description of what GameSparks is:

GameSparks is a cloud based platform that provides developers with the tools they need to build all of the server-side components of their games and then manage them as a service post launch. Using GameSparks, developers are able to slash the cost of backend development and ongoing maintenance, freeing up valuable resources.

It’s never to early to start thinking about the backend of your game and Gamesparks has a whole host of documents and tutorials that range from helping you to get started to a checklist for going live. GameSparks Learn is bursting at the seams with information and we’re still adding more.

We’ve also fantastic Indie and Student program that gives you (once eligible) up to 100,000 MAUs completely free!

With our support team, it doesn’t matter if you’re a big game studio or single dev, we’re happy to help. If you have a question about a Doc, tutorial or adding in something a little different to your game, then head on over to our forums to ask our experts! 

That’s enough about us for the moment. If you have any questions/comments about the plugin, or just want to say hi, just post a comment below and I’ll get back to your shortly! 


Welcome Clare!

Hi Clare,

GameSparks looks like a great product.  What are the storage limits per player (I couldn’t find this info on the website).  My players would need to store dozens of JSON files on the server, which doesn’t take much space but I’m also considering uploading graphics files.



Hi Jonathan, 

I’m glad to hear you like the look of GameSparks  :smiley:

I’ll point you to our Fair Usage Policy which should answer your Qs about MAU limits. If you have any further Qs or would like to discuss your personal requirements if space is still a concern, we can arrange for one of our team to give you a call or you can get in touch with them via


Welcome Clare!

Hi Clare,

GameSparks looks like a great product.  What are the storage limits per player (I couldn’t find this info on the website).  My players would need to store dozens of JSON files on the server, which doesn’t take much space but I’m also considering uploading graphics files.



Hi Jonathan, 

I’m glad to hear you like the look of GameSparks  :smiley:

I’ll point you to our Fair Usage Policy which should answer your Qs about MAU limits. If you have any further Qs or would like to discuss your personal requirements if space is still a concern, we can arrange for one of our team to give you a call or you can get in touch with them via
