Having had my first Corona-built app out for 2+ years, and a new one released 90 days ago, I have concluded that App Attribution is the key to financial success.
Attribution is the proper determination of which sites, email campaigns and ads are responsible for our app installs. Without the ability to understand where our installs are coming from, all our marketing efforts are nothing more than hopeful stabs in the dark. We need to understand where our installs are coming from so that we can adequately ramp-up the best sites, email campaigns and, most importantly, ad purchases (i.e. GoogleAds, Facebook, InMobi, etc…).
There are paid Attribution partners (Apps Flyer), but until our apps are monetizing well enough, we need a free solution - we’ve settled on “Kochava” for now. With that said, we really need a step-by-step guide or help from a consultant to help us maximize all tracking opportunities, not only through Kochava, but also through any other avenue which Google supports and will help us adequately understand where our installs are coming from. I have attempted to hire someone on Upwork, the site we use to hire workers, but the term “Attribution” isn’t even in the “skill” list - and it seems this entire field relating to the ‘technical implementation of attribution’ is rocket science.
Can anyone help us with this, especially as it pertains to the full implementation of Attribution for our Corona SDK-built apps?