I have tried:
facebook.login(V.facebookID,FB.listener, {“user_friends”, “email”, “public_profile”})
and it appears to grant my App permission. But it passes no data back to me through the listener other than my user access token through event.token.
However, I have also tried:
facebook.request(“me”,“GET”,{“user_friends”, “email”, “public_profile”})
and received an error that ‘fields’ must be explicit
So then I tried:
facebook.request(“me”,“GET”,{fields=“user_friends”, “email”, “public_profile”}})
I received an error without any message. Nowhere in all the Forums and Corona API can I find a single example of how to accomplish this simple request after the login is successful. Please help me understand how the pluginv4 formats this data for Facebook and update the FB documentation in the Corona API accordingly.
Also, there are numerous conflicts regarding issues in the documentation because Corona is currently supporting both the original version (require “facebook”) and the new plugin v4 (require “plugin.facebook.v4”) modules. Although there are migration notes, etc… it is far from clear how to get any farther than a login.
Any help here would be very much appreciated.