Hiding banner ads after the first clicking of an ad (admob)

I would like to hide the ads after the first clicking of an ad.  I was thinking to put the ads.hide() in the adListener if the event.phase=“shown”.  This doesn’t seem to work.  I’m not very familiar with ads so any help would be appreciated.

function adListener(event)

   if ( event.phase == “shown” ) then






Unless I missed something event.phase == “shown” is for when the banner ad is shown after being asked for it to show. It will not fire when somebody interacts with an ad. I don’t see any events for AdMob that will allow you to do what you are asking.

Unless I missed something event.phase == “shown” is for when the banner ad is shown after being asked for it to show. It will not fire when somebody interacts with an ad. I don’t see any events for AdMob that will allow you to do what you are asking.