How do I export my game to .exe?

How to export a game in .exe of the Windows 10 operating system?

Are you a Mac user?

If so, I’m afraid you need a Windows machine to run the Windows version of the simulator.

You can only build for Windows using the Windows simulator.

There are three simulator versions:

These versions (of the simulator) can build for these targets:

  • Windows - Android, Windows, HTML5
  • OS X - Android, OS X, iOS, HTML 5
  • Linux - Linux, … more? (I have not run this one yet.)

As a developer, you need both OS X and Windows system. This is a fact of life for nearly all SDKs and game engines. Why? Well. Apple requires it to build for iOS, and building an executable for for Windows on OS X or vice versa may be possible, but far easier to do on the target OS.

I have operation system is Windows 10 64bit

Press “file” then on build select Windows enter some data and you have fresh .exe file :smiley: