How do I update my plugins?

@Scott_Harrison ok, so I loaded up sampleCode/Graphics/Fishies/build.settings and I added this…and have the same error as in my project. Can you please try this on your system so we can eliminate the possibility of something happening specific to my computer? I’m running on…
macOS Catalina Version 10.15.4, MacBook Pro (13-inch 2017), 3.3 GHz Dual-Core Intel Core i5, 16GB 2133MHz LPDDR3, Graphics: INtel Iris Plus Graphics 650 1536 MB

My xCode version is: 11.4.1 (11E503a), although I never use it. The Build appears to use it.

So, here’s the only code I added to build.settings to the sample Fishies project.
plugins =

ERROR: Runtime error
?:0: attempt to index a nil value
stack traceback:
?: in function ‘pathJoin’
?: in function ‘?’
?: in function ‘?’
?: in function ‘?’
?: in function ‘collect’
?: in function <?:110>
Program completed in 32.79 seconds (pid: 87691).

@Scott_Harrison can you post any sample project that uses your new marketplace plugins?

Look like your issues are with your quotes see photo


Hi Scott, I just DM’d you a blank template project with a 3rd party plugin. I checked and my quotes are the correct type. I made sure to copy directly from the marketplace page.

It looks like @vlads tried to address this issue in the latest build 3596, but unfortunately the problem persists.

FWIW, I think the issue is with the simulator itself since there is no evidence that your plugins get downloaded on my computer. It looks like the simulator crashes before it gets the chance to download the plugin. If the template project works for you however, then it might suggest a different problem.

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Hello. There was an issue with self hosted plugins. I hopefully fixed it in latest build. If it still doesn’t work, pm me with actual build.settings file, and target and host os.

Hi @vlads, thank you for looking into this. I just messaged you the sample project.

Hey, @Scott_Harrison, it seems that when I try to build project @developer0744 sent me, I get invalid plugins. They contain text Cannot install in Browser instead of tgz archive.

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I am getting error with PlayFab plugin;

ERROR: Build Failed: Unable to find plugin ‘plugin.playfab.client’ for platform ‘iphone’:
Custom URL: skipped because no table supportedPlatforms provided for plugin.playfab.client
Locally: no directory /Users/baykal/Solar2DPlugins/com.playfab/plugin.playfab.client
Locally: no file ‘/Users/baykal/Solar2DPlugins/com.playfab/plugin.playfab.client/iphone/data.tgz’
Locally: no file ‘/Users/baykal/Solar2DPlugins/com.playfab/plugin.playfab.client/data.tgz’
Solar2D Directory: plugin plugin.playfab.client was not found at Solar2D Directory
Ignore Missing checker: no plugin directory /Users/baykal/Solar2DPlugins/com.playfab/plugin.playfab.client
Unable to find plugin ‘plugin.playfab.client’ for platform ‘lua’:
Custom URL: skipped because no table supportedPlatforms provided for plugin.playfab.client
Locally: no directory /Users/baykal/Solar2DPlugins/com.playfab/plugin.playfab.client
Locally: no file ‘/Users/baykal/Solar2DPlugins/com.playfab/plugin.playfab.client/lua/data.tgz’
Locally: no file ‘/Users/baykal/Solar2DPlugins/com.playfab/plugin.playfab.client/data.tgz’
Solar2D Directory: plugin plugin.playfab.client was not found at Solar2D Directory
Ignore Missing checker: no plugin directory /Users/baykal/Solar2DPlugins/com.playfab/plugin.playfab.client

What should I do?

Hi @vlads I’m having a similar issue here with GBCDataCabinet from CandleLightGames:

22:10:03.120  FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
22:10:03.120  * Where:
22:10:03.120  Build file 'C:\Users\Diana Zang\AppData\Local\Temp\Corona Labs\CLtmpa03060\template\app\build.gradle.kts' line: 515
22:10:03.120  * What went wrong:
22:10:03.120  Error while fetching plugins: ERROR: occured while collecting plugins for Android. 	Unable to find plugin 'plugin.GBCDataCabinet' for platform 'android':
22:10:03.120  	Custom URL: skipped because no table supportedPlatforms provided for plugin.GBCDataCabinet
22:10:03.120  	Locally: no directory C:\Users\Diana Zang\AppData\Roaming\Solar2DPlugins\com.gamesbycandlelight\plugin.GBCDataCabinet
22:10:03.120  	Locally: no file 'C:\Users\Diana Zang\AppData\Roaming\Solar2DPlugins\com.gamesbycandlelight\plugin.GBCDataCabinet\android\data.tgz'
22:10:03.120  	Locally: no file 'C:\Users\Diana Zang\AppData\Roaming\Solar2DPlugins\com.gamesbycandlelight\plugin.GBCDataCabinet\data.tgz'
22:10:03.120  	Solar2D Directory: plugin plugin.GBCDataCabinet was not found at Solar2D Directory
22:10:03.120  	Ignore Missing checker: no plugin directory C:\Users\Diana Zang\AppData\Roaming\Solar2DPlugins\com.gamesbycandlelight\plugin.GBCDataCabinet
22:10:03.120  Unable to find plugin 'plugin.GBCDataCabinet' for platform 'lua':
22:10:03.120  	Custom URL: skipped because no table supportedPlatforms provided for plugin.GBCDataCabinet
22:10:03.120  	Locally: no directory C:\Users\Diana Zang\AppData\Roaming\Solar2DPlugins\com.gamesbycandlelight\plugin.GBCDataCabinet
22:10:03.120  	Locally: no file 'C:\Users\Diana Zang\AppData\Roaming\Solar2DPlugins\com.gamesbycandlelight\plugin.GBCDataCabinet\lua\data.tgz'
22:10:03.120  	Locally: no file 'C:\Users\Diana Zang\AppData\Roaming\Solar2DPlugins\com.gamesbycandlelight\plugin.GBCDataCabinet\data.tgz'
22:10:03.120  	Solar2D Directory: plugin plugin.GBCDataCabinet was not found at Solar2D Directory
22:10:03.120  	Ignore Missing checker: no plugin directory C:\Users\Diana Zang\AppData\Roaming\Solar2DPlugins\com.gamesbycandlelight\plugin.GBCDataCabinet
22:10:03.120  * Try:
22:10:03.120  Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.
22:10:03.120  * Get more help at
22:10:03.120  BUILD FAILED in 13s
22:10:03.425  Android build failed (1) after 17 seconds

Here’s my build.settings file, as you can see, on a scale from 1 to 10, is 1 basic :slight_smile:
It’s a pity that this happened now, I was just about to pull the final build after 6 months of work :sob:

Any ideas?

I’m working on Windows 10 Home Edition and Solar2D version 2020.3595 (2020.5.21)

EDIT: Everything works like a charm in the simulator, it’s when it tries to build it that it crashes it.

Thank you!

build.settings (1.1 KB)

@Scott_Harrison - the quote issue was not in my code; just occurred here in the forums. Your plugins are not working, period. See the attached screenshot to tell me if you see a problem. I can see from vlads post above that he found an issue with your plugins, too. This problem only occurs on iOS with your plugins; when commented out, the iOS build completes successfully. Now that this has gone on for more than a week, without being fixed, I have to ask, “How did you test it?”

@vlads - the change you made now, at least, does report an assertion error (see below), whereas in previous builds, there was no way to have any clue what was going on. Can you put the line number of the error in build.settings that caused the assertion error? This would make debugging for developers far easier, especially when the problem is a third-party plugin.

Sorry for interjecting… I’m having an issue today with the plugin ‘plugin.gpgs.v2’ and the legacy Google Game Center library (require(“plugin.gpgs.v2”)). It gives an error when I try to call a procedure from the library. I’ve been using 2020.3582 for several days, and only today it started failing. It was working 2 days ago. Do I need to update to build 3594?

My build.settings includes:

["plugin.gpgs.v2"] =        
  supportedPlatforms = {android=true}        

My actual code uses:

local gameNetwork = require("plugin.gpgs.v2")

But the following line of code generates an error:

gameNetwork.request( "login", { userInitiated=true, listener=gameNetworkLoginCallback } )

The error:

ERROR: Runtime error
/myGame/leaderboard.lua:71: attempt to call field 'request' (a nil value)

stack traceback:
/myGame/leaderboard.lua:71: in function 'gameNetworkSetup'
/myGame/leaderboard.lua:76: in function '?'
?: in function <?:189>

@dislam, your comment that it was working with 2020.3582 and just broke 2 days ago is curious. Can you try build 2020.3579? Be cautious with the new offline builds and test thoroughly before releasing anything with it. Biggest problem I’m seeing with the new builds is plugins; but your issue appears unrelated to the new post-corona Solar2D builds.

It started happening at the same time I got the Corona Editor syntax error (like an hour ago), which required me to uninstall and re-install the Corona Editor package. But the plugin issue still remains. I’m still using the old Corona builds. I’ll give 3579 a shot.

EDIT: This was the Corona Editor error, which is resolved - Sublime no longer recognizes Corona Lua

EDIT2: Still same issue with plugins in build 3579

Look like your issue is related to http:// vs https://.
Please use only https://
I am honestly just throwing your build.settings into a random corona project.

Here is the exact project I used
pluginTest (331.5 KB)

I am using 3582, which version are you using?

Hi Scott, all my posts have been about trying to get your plugins to work in the new offline builds 2020.3595+ (now at 3597). Now, all I’m getting is…
ERROR: Runtime error
assertion failed!
stack traceback:
[C]: in function ‘assert’
?: in function ‘?’
?: in function <?:110>
Program completed in 33.87 seconds (pid: 45084).

I just verified that the solar2dmarketplace url works with the online builds; but why do that when the simply line still works?

We still need help with the latest versions that Vlad has been working on since May 1. And you haven’t tested your plugins with any of @vlads versions since then?

GBCDataCabinet Is not a Corona Labs plugin does I couldn’t add it automatically to the free directory. However I was in contact with author and he agreed to add it. Will do some time next week.

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We know about the issue and we’re working on it.

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I figure out the issue, I tweaked my node server to be compatible with the newer versions of corona. This crashing issue should be fixed @developer0744 and @troylyndon. Thanks for the sample project @developer0744

@vlads I’ve started using build 3583 and am still seeing the issue today with the GPGS V2 plugin not recognizing any of the legacy GPGS functions (under plugin.gpgs.v2). I mean it just started happening abruptly when it was fine a few days earlier with the build unchanged. Is it an issue with the server not including these libraries in the build?

(Using Mac OS Catalina)

EDIT: Also happening on Mac OS El Capitan on my other Mac using a 32-bit build, 3480. Possibly an issue with Corona Editor. If I ignore the error and build, the app launches fine. So only on the simulator this problem appears.

That’s awesome @vlads I’m very grateful, thanks for everything!