SponsorPay is pretty easy to integrate. The Corona documentation for it is misleading as it doesn’t lay out the exact sequence of events for a simple publisher integration, which are:
Before starting: Add SponsorPay to build.settings and require it.
call sponsorpay.start
call sponsorpay.launchOfferWall
call sponsorpay.requestNewCoins and finish the transaction in the listener that receives the callback.
All of the other methods are “extra” things, or stuff for advertisers.
TIP: SponsorPay’s offer wall usually leads the user somewhere outside your app. If you put the sponsorpay.requestNewCoins call inside the callback for an application start and resume, you can provide an almost instant feedback to the user after the offer is completed.
NOTE: I have not launched an app with SponsorPay yet (close though), so I can’t speak to how well it performs.