How to disable MyTarget in appodeal.

Hello everyone! I recently received a message from Appodeal and Google:
“Your application XXX (version code XXX) contains the SDK or uses a library dependent on the SDK that collects personal or confidential data, including, but not limited to, the following permanent identifiers: Advertising ID, Android ID, Device Wifi MAC.”

Appodeal suggests changing the version MyTracker-sdk or removing myTarget, but you need to use Gradle. The problem is that I have never used Android Studio and Gradle. Solar2d builds only. Can anyone tell me how to edit it?

I think that not one has received this letter, perhaps someone has already solved this issue?


You can remove it from your build.settings file or comment it out.

        --['plugin.appodeal.MyTarget']           = {publisherId = 'com.coronalabs'},

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