How to re-download a plugin?


I recently downloaded the Parse plugin but I accidentally deleted my Corona Simulator files shortly thereafter.  I just re-downloaded Corona but I can’t get the Parse plugin back; the “Download” button now says “Activated,” but I can’t use the plugin…

Any suggestions?


You don’t “download” plugins.  Once they are activated you need to include them in your build.settings:

settings = { plugins = { ["plugin.parse"] = { -- required publisherId = "com.myParseID", }, }, }

I’ve tried this and using publisherId = “com.develephant” which the API said to use, I get a large error starting with:

module ‘parse.plugin’ not found:

no filed package.preload[‘parse,plugin’]

no file: ‘~\Corona Labs\Corona Simulator\Plugins\parse\plugin.lua’ etc.

Any suggestions?

Can you show your main code where you instantiate the plugin?  Also what version of Corona are you using?

I figured it out.  I was using local parse = require( ‘parse.plugin’)

instead of plugin.parse

You don’t “download” plugins.  Once they are activated you need to include them in your build.settings:

settings = { plugins = { ["plugin.parse"] = { -- required publisherId = "com.myParseID", }, }, }

I’ve tried this and using publisherId = “com.develephant” which the API said to use, I get a large error starting with:

module ‘parse.plugin’ not found:

no filed package.preload[‘parse,plugin’]

no file: ‘~\Corona Labs\Corona Simulator\Plugins\parse\plugin.lua’ etc.

Any suggestions?

Can you show your main code where you instantiate the plugin?  Also what version of Corona are you using?

I figured it out.  I was using local parse = require( ‘parse.plugin’)

instead of plugin.parse