How to Request an Extension for Android API Level 34

For everyone facing the upcoming August 31 deadline to update to API Level 34 for their projects in the Play Store, here are the step-by-step instructions for requesting an extension:

  1. Go to your Google Play Console and go to All Apps.
  2. Click on the Inbox in the left rail.
  3. Up at the top, under Important, you will find a message titled “Update your target API level by August 31, 2024 to release updates to your app…” for every app you have on the Play Store
  4. Click on the message to expand it.
  5. Click View Details.
  6. This will take you to the Issue Details page.
  7. Scroll all the way to the bottom and click on the big, blue “Request Additional Time” button.
  8. In the window that pops up, click the box next to “I am waiting on a new SDK version from an SDK provider”
  9. Click “Request”
  10. Repeat this process for all of your apps.

Your milage may vary, but I did this will all of my apps and was granted an immediate extension for all of them.


Thanks! I was able to do the same thing for “App must use Google Play Billing Library version 6.0.1 or later”

Thanks! I’ve done this for all our apps, and was granted an extension until November

Just FYI, I think the billing.v2 plugin is using version 6.0.1 now:


Definitely. I’ve got the new version of the plugin in production on all my apps. Google warning are gone and IAP is processing flawlessly.

How you got a new version of the plugin? Doesn’t it always get the newest version when you create a new build? I’m asking because my warning is still here.

Unless you’ve version locked your plugins, yes, it will automatically download the latest version of the plugin when you build.

You might want to go into your “Releases Overview” and look for non-compliant builds that are in tracks other than production. Sometimes policy warnings will persist until every active track has a compliant binary in place.

I think it removes the notification from the policy status tab, but the message inbox notification persists, we updated all apps on all tracks, with the most recent plugin, I believe it is rectified as tapping on policy status only shows the API 34 requirement. I read a unity dev said the same and contacted google and they confirmed it was updated and to ignore the inbox message…
Do you still have that notification in your inbox or archived on play console? @colinmorgan

@chris_raz - Good point.

@Dimahh90- This has gone way off topic. Since you’re also asking questions about the billing library on Discord, I’m going to continue over there.

In the meantime, you should probably go ahead and request an extension to one or both of these issues, just in case sorting out whatever plugin conflict you might be having with API 34 takes you past the August 31 cutoff.

Yea I just extended until 1st November. Thanks for the response. I’ll keep myself updated on Discord.