How Well Is Appodeal Working Right Now?

I’m developing a new project and I’m considering trying out Appodeal instead of managing my own waterfall. However, I feel like a I’ve seen an uptick in posts lately about problems with Appodeal, which makes me a bit nervous.
Can anyone who’s currently using Appodeal tell me how it’s going? Is it worth giving it a try, or should I just stick with my own waterfall?

I am usually not the best person to ask about Appodeal. I used Appodeal before I started using Corona. I very rarely have a problem and when I do they respond to me in hours and sometimes in minutes.

But I:

  1. Don’t use all the adapters.
  2. I use my keys and not Appodeal’s.
  3. I also use segments and parallel bidding if available.
  4. I have tested this multiple times and although some adapters will have a problem from time to time that would be true with any mediation that uses the underlying SDK. For example, currently, Mopub/Twitter has an ad that crashes my games. I just turned it off.

Here is my eCPM for the last 30 days on iOS:

And what a typical waterfall looks like for me:



I too share the same concerns for the same reason. I was unsure whether to use Appodeal and in the end stuck with my existing waterfall setup. I’ve switched out Vungle for Unity. I use AdMob, Unity and AppLovin. All configured remotely with a .json file on Dropbox. Sadly, AppLovin banners are broken. I’ve reported broken AppLovin banners here on the forum recently but to no avail.

I’d like to try Appodeal at some point, but I’ll need to see more encouraging reports here on the forum before I do. Best of luck! :slight_smile:

Thank you for your detailed reply. It’s good to know that the Appodeal team is responsive and what the eCPMs look like. I average a bit higher on interstitials and a bit lower on rewarded, so it’s probably a wash from the money perspective. I guess it boils down to how easy it is to set up and then keep running, considering with all the changes on the Apple and Android horizon.
As usual, you are working at a higher level of technical mastery than I am. :grin: