I can not buy / use the plugin

Hello! I ran into the following problem. In the store I wanted to buy the “Maps Plugin” plugin (here is the link: https://marketplace.coronalabs.com/corona-plugins/map-plugin). When paying, I indicate my card, after which I get the error "Your card was declined. Your request was in test mode, but used a non test (live) card. For a list of valid test cards, visit: https: // stripe .com / docs / testing. " In the end, I use a test card and supposedly buy a plugin. I have it in “Activated products”, but when I try to use it, I get an error “plugin not found.” What and how to solve it? Thank you in advance!

Hello and welcome to the community!

As Corona transitioned to Solar2D and Corona Labs Inc. closed down, the official marketplace, i.e. https://marketplace.coronalabs.com/, was closed and you can’t make purchases there anymore.

I would recommend sending the developer of that plugin an email and asking them how you could access their plugin via some other means.


Hi guys, I’m on the same boat. If you happen to get a response from the plugin developer please let me know. Thank you!

I’d suggest taking a look at Solar2D Marketplace and Solar2D Plugins for alternative solutions.