I want to publish app that was built by Corna


I want to publish app to app store and I did the most of them.

But when I upload the app by using App loader, it shows two errors.

1 - "ERROR ITMS-90096: "Your binary is not optimized for iPhone 5 - New iPhone apps and app updates submitted must support the 4-inch display on iPhone 5 and must include a launch image referenced in the Info.plist under UILaunchImages with a UILaunchImageSize value set to {320, 568}. Launch images must be PNG files and located at the top-level of your bundle, or provided within each .lproj folder if you localize your launch images. Learn more about iPhone 5 support and app launch images by reviewing the ‘iOS Human Interface Guidelines’ at https://developer.apple.com/ios/human-interface-guidelines/graphics/launch-screen."

2 - "ERROR ITMS-90121: “This bundle is invalid. The executable name, as reported by CFBundleExecutable in the Info.plist file, may not contain any of these characters: \ [] { } ( ) . + *”

Please help me with this.


For one, you do not need to include a launch screen. It is a simple image of your app that is displayed while it is loading. I have not published anything on Apple yet, but here is a guide:


If you are using XCode to help you in the publishing process.

As for the invalid bundle, try copying and pasting the error you got into Google and see what you can find. In fact, do this for both, then watch the tutorial I placed for help.

Hi @jackylee0808.

For your second problem can you both post your build.settings (please use the blue <> button in the row with Bold / Italics, etc. and copy/pasted your build.settings into the popup window). and if we could get a screen shot if your build screen just before you hit the build button. Please do not blur/mask out any fields.

For your first problem see: https://forums.coronalabs.com/topic/68209-displaypixelheight-not-returning-the-correct-value-in-ios-device/ and look for my response(s) on that thread.


Hello, Rob.

Thank you for your reply.

I agree with your requirement and here is the source code and screen shot.

Please check it and let me know how can I solve this problem.

Thank you.


-- Supported values for orientation: -- portrait, portraitUpsideDown, landscapeLeft, landscapeRight settings = { orientation = { default = "portrait", supported = { "portrait", } }, iphone = { plist = { CFBundleName = "com.bobteo.matthewcan", UIAppFonts = {"fonts/04B\_03\_\_.TTF", "fonts/7linedigital.ttf"}, CFBundleIconFile = "Icon.png", CFBundleIconFiles = {"Icon.png", "Icon@2x.png", "Icon-72.png"}, UIStatusBarHidden = false, UIPrerenderedIcon = true, -- set to false for "shine" overlay UIApplicationExitsOnSuspend = true, } }, plugins = { ["CoronaProvider.native.popup.safariView"] = { publisherId = "com.coronalabs", supportedPlatforms = { iphone=true, }, } }, }



For understand my problems I am sharing error’s screen.


Please check this and answer this problem.

Quick answer is the best for me.

Thank you very much.


For the second problem, I don’t see anything obvious. You have an underscore in your provisioning profile, but Apple shouldn’t have allowed that if that’s the problem.

I would remove this line from build.settings and let Corona take it from your provisioning profile.

CFBundleName = “com.bobteo.matthewcan”,

Apple will reject you for this:

            UIApplicationExitsOnSuspend = true,

What version of Corona are you using? If you’re using anything modern this isn’t needed:

            CFBundleIconFile = “Icon.png”,

Now we get into a bunch of other issues that you need to solve with your icons and launch screens. But I need to know what version of Corona you’re running to advise further.


Thank you, Rob.

My Corona version is 2017.3068 (2017.3.31).

And what about the previous problems?

Actually I want to solve these problems immediately.

I need your help, Rob.

Thank you very much.


Hi @jackylee0808.  I know you want to solve these quickly, but it’s important to make sure you get this right.

For this error:

2 - "ERROR ITMS-90121: “This bundle is invalid. The executable name, as reported by CFBundleExecutable in the Info.plist file, may not contain any of these characters: \ [] { } ( ) . + *”

​I don’t see anything immediately wrong that’s causing this error. Perhaps removing this line:

CFBundleName = “com.bobteo.matthewcan”,

from your build.settings and letting your provisioning profile do it’s job will help. Your provisioning profile has an underscore ( _ ) character in it that might cause the problem. Also it might be worth retyping in the Application Name field to make sure you don’t have any special characters in there and that you’re using ASCII only characters.

Now for the ERROR ITMS-90096: "Your binary is not optimized for iPhone 5 -  error… I provided  you a link to another forum post where I answered this question. You do not have required launch images in your project (or if you do, you’re not including require code in build.settings). Apple will reject you until you fix this. You have two choices:

  1. use Static launch images. You will need to create multiple .png files with very specific names and sizes and include them in your project like “Default-568h@2x.png” that is exactly 640px wide, 1136px high. There are at least four of these files for phones and another four-eight more if you’re supporting iPads. In addition to these files you have to have a big, complex table in your build.settings. We don’t recommend this method any more. Instead we recommend:

  2. Use Xcode Storyboard based launch images. With this  you will need three small images and a small Xcode file and one line added to build settings.  See:  https://docs.coronalabs.com/guide/distribution/launchFile/index.html

You have to do one of these two. There is a section at the bottom of that guide that also covers the static method.

Then you have a problem you haven’t run into yet. It’s going to eventually complain about your icons. You probably have the bare minimum you can launch with, but we recommend you follow this:


Once you have all of that done, you can post your new build.settings back here and we can look over it, or you can just try and submit again and see what other problems the Apple automated review process finds.


I checked your replay and thank you for your advice, Rob.

And with the bundle problem, please check these urls.

The last provisioning profile is that I want to use. Can I use this with blank in the name?


I am waiting for your reponse.

Thank you.


Isn’t your application name “Magic Chef”? Why are you changing that? I was just suggesting re-typing it.

Your previous screen shot show provisioning profiles. I’m not sure why that field is currently blank.


Ah, I just made a mistake.

What I want to use provisioning profile is “MatthewCan Product”.

I am sorry for this mistake.

Can I use the “blank” inside the profile name?

You have to have a provisioning profile.


I mean not edit box- the name of profile.

I mean, blank in "MatthewCan Product’. :).

Anyway, can I have your skype id?

I want to ask few things and also want to know them quickly-with free chatting.

I love Corona and as you know, I want to build my first Corona app successfully.

Please share your skype id for me.

Thank you very much.


You can have spaces in profile names.

Generally support is limited to forums. Perhaps another Corona developer can chime in and is willing to skype with you. 


Oh, …

OK. I am trying the way that you sent to me just before.

After that, I will type here how it works.

I hope you to help me to the end… :slight_smile:

Thank you.


Hi, Rob.

I, no YOU solve the first problem.

Thank you for that. :slight_smile:

And there is still exist second problem.

Hello, Rob.

I tried for solve the problem-“This bundle is invalid. The executable name, as reported by CFBundleExecutable in the Info.plist file, may not contain any of these characters: \ [] { } ( ) . + *”.

But it’s still …

Please help me with this.

For solving this problem, I can share all of my information so if you have any idea, please share it.

Thank you.


The error is quite explicit… do not have non characters in your executable name.  For example, do not compile your app to be called “Maths+”. Instead call it “MathsPlus” and set your app name (in iTunesConnect) to be “maths+”

When it says do not contain “\ [] { } ( ) . + *” it really means just that.  Stick to words and you will be fine.

Thank you for your reply, SGS.

But I didn’t used any special symbols, such as \ [] …

With this, I have a question.

Does the error message mean is I have to change Bundle name without special symbols, right?

But the bundle name is “MatthewCan” as I shared the screen shot.

And I don’t know, why Apple disagree with this name.

With this problem, please give me any hint and let me remove this error.

Thank you for all of you.


Can you post your latest build.settings and the latest screen shot of the build dialog box again? I’ve been out of this conversation and need to catch up?

Also what are your current errors (copy/paste) from Apple even if they are the same…

