


View and activate on the Corona Store

This plugin allows you to find nearby iBeacon points and/or create iBeacon points from your device.


Is it possible to modify that plugin to support android?



The ibecon is a Apple standard. It would have to be made from scratch.

The iBeacon plugin is great.

I seem to have a small problem though. When I use:

NSLocationAlwaysUsageDescription = "ibeacon stuff"

in build.settings plist, I can’t find the iBeacon.

If I use:

NSLocationAlwaysAndWhenInUseUsageDescription = "ibeacon stuff"

the app crashes the first time it is opened, but then it works great.

In the console it says:

WARNING: issue found in build.settings:
WARNING: unrecognized key: settings.iphone.plist.NSLocationAlwaysAndWhenInUseUsageDescription (string)

It doesn’t seem to be supported in Corona, but it works (except for the first crash).

Can you file a bug report
