iCloud + OSX = fail ?

Hey guys,

so today I tryed to add iCloud to MacOS build - and it stop working.

No responce from launching build(Ignore/Sent Report).

Here is build: https://www.dropbox.com/s/l7ht45ps4qqz8vl/Royal%20Heroes.bugged.zip?dl=0

What I can do to track what is wrong?

(I tryed to code out iCloud - but problem stayed. So now I cant even build for OSX anymore this game(old games are still intact)).

It seems like there’s something wrong with your provisioning:

5/19/16 09:37:31.309 taskgated[170]: no application identifier provided, can't use provisioning profiles [pid=626] 5/19/16 09:37:31.309 taskgated[170]: killed com.elitegamesltd.mac.royalheroes[pid 626] because its use of the com.apple.developer.ubiquity-kvstore-identifier entitlement is not allowed (error code -67050)

I got that looking at Console.app when starting your app.


OS X with iCloud is not easies thing to get going. Main trick is that iCloud would work only with apps from App Store. Secondly, to get iCloud working, one would have to have proper entitlements in provisioning profile.

Therefore, you have to have app actually signed with distribution profile, submitted and downloaded from app store in order for it to work.

From other hand, iCloud most of the time is optional feature. Your app must be designed to operate if user doesn’t wish to use it.

You can check built app codesign command (here’s how https://forums.coronalabs.com/topic/61069-fixed-icloud-kvs-sync-between-ios-game-and-tvos-game-does-not-work/?p=316762)..)

Corona Cannon, available for OS X as well has iCloud KVS sync between all apple platforms.

As to your app - it crashes with “EXC_CRASH (Code Signature Invalid)”, which means that you’re using certificates not suitable for launching on a computer, so I guess you didn’t select distribution profile with iCloud entitlements.

Also, result of the proper build in this case, would de .pkg file, not .app.

Oh, ok.

Yes - I was trying to use .app to test.

I`ll now try different builds.

I was trying to use .app - since before I was using it for uploading to SteamStore, and .pkg for uploading to MacStore.

You were right, tnx.

So to upload to Steam(Mac) - I should use “build for - open application” option.

To upload to MacStore - I should use “build for - sent to mac store”.

vlads - yes, my game designed long time ago - it should work with or without iCloud. But problem is that even app is not starting =)

But now it is handled I guess.

Problem is that now I can NOT TEST builds for MacStore(on my macincloud).

iCloud works only in apps dowloaded from The Mac App Store. There isn’t a way to use iCloud in app which isn’t downloaded from Mac App Store.

Unfortunately, this means there isn’t a way to test app iCloud integration without submitting it (for now).

For now, my only suggestion is to test your iCloud code on iOS. iOS has same iCloud plugin code as OS X.

Yes - it is ok like that.

Already building updates for OSX and iOS for that purposes.

So I have builded - and I dont see results.

I have added listener - but it dosent show my anything.

So I have a question - how to test iCloud? =) Any tips or where to start?

(I have done all by instruction from corona tutorial and by docs)

And I have approved build with iCloud integrated, but not working. I have downloaded it - and my game works, but i dont see that it using iCloud. What should I do to test it or how to see errors or what have i missed?

As I wrote, unfortunately there isn’t a way to test iCloud on desktop yet. Only way to do it on iOS. Same code should work.

Yes, I have read your posts.

I mean - any tips for what I should be looking? Like a error, log - anything to get more information what is wrong.

iOS - ok. I have a build approved there. And it is not working. What I did worng? What steps I should take to found a error?

Most common errors:

  1. not having appropriate provisioning profile - check it with “security” command

  2. not selecting provisioning profile when signing app - “codesign” command to check

  3. not having iCloud=true, same as 2.

For iOS you can use development provisioning profiles and environment to test your iCloud integration.

It seems like there’s something wrong with your provisioning:

5/19/16 09:37:31.309 taskgated[170]: no application identifier provided, can't use provisioning profiles [pid=626] 5/19/16 09:37:31.309 taskgated[170]: killed com.elitegamesltd.mac.royalheroes[pid 626] because its use of the com.apple.developer.ubiquity-kvstore-identifier entitlement is not allowed (error code -67050)

I got that looking at Console.app when starting your app.


OS X with iCloud is not easies thing to get going. Main trick is that iCloud would work only with apps from App Store. Secondly, to get iCloud working, one would have to have proper entitlements in provisioning profile.

Therefore, you have to have app actually signed with distribution profile, submitted and downloaded from app store in order for it to work.

From other hand, iCloud most of the time is optional feature. Your app must be designed to operate if user doesn’t wish to use it.

You can check built app codesign command (here’s how https://forums.coronalabs.com/topic/61069-fixed-icloud-kvs-sync-between-ios-game-and-tvos-game-does-not-work/?p=316762)..)

Corona Cannon, available for OS X as well has iCloud KVS sync between all apple platforms.

As to your app - it crashes with “EXC_CRASH (Code Signature Invalid)”, which means that you’re using certificates not suitable for launching on a computer, so I guess you didn’t select distribution profile with iCloud entitlements.

Also, result of the proper build in this case, would de .pkg file, not .app.

Oh, ok.

Yes - I was trying to use .app to test.

I`ll now try different builds.

I was trying to use .app - since before I was using it for uploading to SteamStore, and .pkg for uploading to MacStore.

You were right, tnx.

So to upload to Steam(Mac) - I should use “build for - open application” option.

To upload to MacStore - I should use “build for - sent to mac store”.

vlads - yes, my game designed long time ago - it should work with or without iCloud. But problem is that even app is not starting =)

But now it is handled I guess.

Problem is that now I can NOT TEST builds for MacStore(on my macincloud).