Icon “Icon-ouya.png” not working on OUYA, what to do? How to display an icon in the category of the game.
You must add mainIntentFilter to your build.settings under the android table.
Something like:
settings = { orientation = { default = "landscapeLeft", supported = { "landscapeLeft" } }, android = { components = {}, mainIntentFilter = { categories = {"tv.ouya.intent.category.GAME"} }, usesPermissions = { "android.permission.INTERNET", "android.permission.ACCESS\_WIFI\_STATE", "android.permission.ACCESS\_NETWORK\_STATE" } } }
Also I *think* that the name should be ouya_icon.png
Does not work, displays the standard icon coronalabs.
Icon came here res / drawable-xhdpi / ouya_icon.png but does not appear on ouya
Need icon Icon-xhdpi.png do the same 732x412, then all will be well.
I, too, was not able to get this to work as documented. The documentation which is cited here and on the Ouya dev forums is this:
It says that all that is required is Icon-ouya.png with a size of 732 × 412.
This never worked for me, but I was seeing my app’s icon, so I did some investigating to figure out which one it’s using.
I found that it’s using Icon-xhdpi.png. I changed that out, and it looks fine on the Play screen. However, it’s using this icon for ALL Ouya icons, so if the user looks at the App in the Advanced Settings menu, they’ll see my banner image squashed into a tiny icon square.
Furthermore, I found that when I upload the app to Ouya’s store, it shows an icon under the words “Image based on what is provided in your .apk file,” which is a massive version of the Corona icon. I was unable to figure out where this icon is pulled from. My app has all iPad, Android, and Ouya icons set to my app’s icon. I’ve even added ouya_icon.png, which is what the one supposedly pulled form the APK is called.
I’ve given up on trying to get the correct icons. Once it’s approved, I’ll tell you what actually shows up on the production Ouya app.
Also, I’m using build 2013.1202. I’ve haven’t checked yet for later versions that fix these issues.
I was told by the Ouya developer team that this icon issue will be solved by the next Ouya patch. I wasn’t given a specific date, but hopefully it will come out in the next 1-2 weeks.
If you’re doing Corona Simulator builds, then you must use an “Ouya-icon.png” as documented here…
If you’re using Corona Enterprise, then you must add an “ouya_icon.png” to your “res” directory per the Ouya developer website’s instructions. This is because you’re building with the Android SDK in this case and the *-icon.png files are only supported by Corona Simulator builds.
The Ouya system update that was pushed out on November 21st solves this app icon issue. You don’t have to do anything on your end. As long as you’ve set up your Ouya app icon as described in my post above, it’ll just work. No rebuild required.
You must add mainIntentFilter to your build.settings under the android table.
Something like:
settings = { orientation = { default = "landscapeLeft", supported = { "landscapeLeft" } }, android = { components = {}, mainIntentFilter = { categories = {"tv.ouya.intent.category.GAME"} }, usesPermissions = { "android.permission.INTERNET", "android.permission.ACCESS\_WIFI\_STATE", "android.permission.ACCESS\_NETWORK\_STATE" } } }
Also I *think* that the name should be ouya_icon.png
Does not work, displays the standard icon coronalabs.
Icon came here res / drawable-xhdpi / ouya_icon.png but does not appear on ouya
Need icon Icon-xhdpi.png do the same 732x412, then all will be well.
I, too, was not able to get this to work as documented. The documentation which is cited here and on the Ouya dev forums is this:
It says that all that is required is Icon-ouya.png with a size of 732 × 412.
This never worked for me, but I was seeing my app’s icon, so I did some investigating to figure out which one it’s using.
I found that it’s using Icon-xhdpi.png. I changed that out, and it looks fine on the Play screen. However, it’s using this icon for ALL Ouya icons, so if the user looks at the App in the Advanced Settings menu, they’ll see my banner image squashed into a tiny icon square.
Furthermore, I found that when I upload the app to Ouya’s store, it shows an icon under the words “Image based on what is provided in your .apk file,” which is a massive version of the Corona icon. I was unable to figure out where this icon is pulled from. My app has all iPad, Android, and Ouya icons set to my app’s icon. I’ve even added ouya_icon.png, which is what the one supposedly pulled form the APK is called.
I’ve given up on trying to get the correct icons. Once it’s approved, I’ll tell you what actually shows up on the production Ouya app.
Also, I’m using build 2013.1202. I’ve haven’t checked yet for later versions that fix these issues.
I was told by the Ouya developer team that this icon issue will be solved by the next Ouya patch. I wasn’t given a specific date, but hopefully it will come out in the next 1-2 weeks.
If you’re doing Corona Simulator builds, then you must use an “Ouya-icon.png” as documented here…
If you’re using Corona Enterprise, then you must add an “ouya_icon.png” to your “res” directory per the Ouya developer website’s instructions. This is because you’re building with the Android SDK in this case and the *-icon.png files are only supported by Corona Simulator builds.
The Ouya system update that was pushed out on November 21st solves this app icon issue. You don’t have to do anything on your end. As long as you’ve set up your Ouya app icon as described in my post above, it’ll just work. No rebuild required.