[IMPORTANT] Sohan from InMobi here. Please read this before using the InMobi plugin.

If we exclude permissions we do not wish to include, will the plugin work ? (serve ads that do not need that permissions)

You should include all the mandatory permissions for it to work. The others depend on your requirement. 

And the mandatory permissions are ?

The mandatory permissions are:

<uses-permission android:name=“android.permission.INTERNET” />
<uses-permission android:name=“android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE” />
<uses-permission android:name=“android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE”/>

Sorry, but I find this somewhat hilarious. (having just battled the READ_PHONE_STATE permission for another ad network)

First, you give a link to “official” documention of "required* permissions – where not even INTERNET is mentioned. (nor is READ_PHONE_STATE, nor ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE) Clearly, without INTERNET it’s not gonna work at all, right? That link only covers the *optional* stuff.

Second, you fail to give this link: https://www.inmobi.com/support/integration/23817448/22051163/android-sdk-integration-guide/ which DOES cover the manadatory permissions, but indicates only INTERNET and ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE.

Third, your last response here states that all three of these are manadatory: INTERNET, ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE _and_ READ_PHONE_STATE. Based on what??? Not your own documentation.

All of this gives the strong impression that you have NO IDEA whether or not the READ_PHONE_STATE permission is actually required. (that is, without it will your plugin entirely fail to function? that should be a simple yes/no question.)

Again, apologies, sorry to take this out on you/inmobi specifically, but this whole situation, among nearly all ad networks as implemented in Corona (not just you), is just laughable. (or, rather, WOULD BE laughable if it weren’t so frustrating!)

(aside: Brent appears to have changed the docs yet again – that original massive list of permissions now seems to have vanished, so now we have NO list of permissions, rather than a big confusing list of maybe-required/maybe-not permissions?? Not sure if that’s better/worse.)

Hi Dave,

As promised, I discussed this with the engineers and I intend to improve the documentation this week, barring some other high priority task. While the required permissions are dictated by the plugin author (as I’ve stated), I will hopefully be able to provide a list on each ad provider’s documentation index page which tells you the required permissions. Thanks for your patience on this.


Brent, I do understood, and appreciate that you’re looking into it.

You have to take my twisted “humor” here with a grain of salt… I’m not trying to cast blame, especially at Corona staff, because clearly (and this is the ironic humor to me) even representatives of the ad networks themselves don’t understand the issue, or perhaps even WHY it’s an issue, and do themselves a disservice by furthering the spread of misinformation in public forums.

So I laugh, perhaps at myself, when I read something that makes we wonder if I don’t already know this topic better than the ad networks themselves, which would be scary, because I DON’T know this topic! :smiley:

Hi Dave,

Part of the issue, at least in regards to InMobi, is that they offer 2 separate plugins, the “basic” that Corona has offered for a long time, and another enhanced version (their Library version) which offers more features. Each of these requires a different set of permissions which will be clarified in my documentation update. So ultimately, it’s not that InMobi “doesn’t understand what is required”, but rather that each plugin requires different things. This has clearly confused you and others in the community.

Docs exist for both at this time on the plugin index page:


If you’re chomping at the bit to get it going now, the basic version requires these permissions:






And the enhanced Library version requires these:





















What would really help is knowing WHY they require READ_PHONE_STATE as implemented in Corona, yet don’t in native Android (as per the api link given above) - because (as per other thread) a similar condition also appears to exist for other providers (again based on native java docs vs Corona docs).

There’s something “fishy” going on somewhere, but it’s beyond me to identify it. Maybe if we knew the WHY, we’d also learn the WHAT to resolve it. Because short answer for me is: if they truly require it, then pass, not worth the trouble, will break other things that forbid it.

Apologies if I appear to be badgering this topic lately. :smiley:

I am a starter and I had been using Inmobi ads for the past whole year. I thought of inmobi as a better application monetization option as compare to all the others out there. And now instead of providing us with something better, they have completed turned off their services for us. This is really sad. 
I wish they do something about it ASAP. 

Hey Arsalan

Yes for now InMobi plugin doesn’t work with the Starter edition. But rest assured that we are working with the Corona team to get this sorted as soon as possible. Do stay tuned :slight_smile:

i talked lots with inmobi

and they finally told me they made the latest update and sent it to coronalabs

hope Corona team will implement asap … as i like to update my app with latest inmobi :slight_smile:

also i forgot to ask if they provided

  1. AdProvider Plugin:

  2. Library Plugin:

still im using adprovider plugin



Thanks @guruk aka Chris for that update. :slight_smile:

Good luck with your app!

yeah… and the GREATEST news is… that Corona… do not implement it for strange reasons :frowning:

They like to push AdRally… but Adrally dont even has Banners…

I really dont know right now where this should go :frowning:

So If Corona dont have an Insight… Inmobi Banners are gone …

And NO… i dont like to work with Enterprise make myself headache where they could just implement it easy again 

and I press one button and it works… ‘with corona u work 10 times faster’

Hey @guruk

So I spoke to the team here at InMobi and here’s the latest update:

Since Fuse acquired Corona in late 2014, we’re working with Fuse mediation which is the only channel going forward for pubs to use InMobi. Fuse has already built mediation adapters for InMobi and pubs can use Corona SDK which comes pre-bundled with Fuse mediation and InMobi SDK.

In short, just download the latest Corona SDK and you will be able to integrate with InMobi

Hi Sohan,

thanks for the update.

Just to make it clear.

  1. That means i can implement Inmobi Plugin through the Fuse Plugin (same as for example the Applovin Plugin)

see: http://docs.coronalabs.com/daily/plugin/adrally-TEMP/index.html (also here Inmobi is not mentioned as a seperate Plugin)

Means I can use my old Inmobi ID and Inmobi Dashboard as before and ‘dont’ get just Inmobi Ads through the AdRally Pool mixed with other AdNetworks?!

If so, would be great and satisfying!

Only Info I would need than HOW to use it. As in the Link above its describe

how to include the Plugin (maybe like: [“plugin.adrally.inmobi”] =)

but not how to use it (same as before with the pure standalone Inmobi Plugin?)

Keep in Mind. i need it specially for BANNERS, so I also get Banners (even usually Fuse/Adrally only has interstitials)?



i talked lots with inmobi

and they finally told me they made the latest update and sent it to coronalabs

hope Corona team will implement asap … as i like to update my app with latest inmobi :slight_smile:

also i forgot to ask if they provided

  1. AdProvider Plugin:

  2. Library Plugin:

still im using adprovider plugin



Thanks @guruk aka Chris for that update. :slight_smile:

Good luck with your app!

yeah… and the GREATEST news is… that Corona… do not implement it for strange reasons :frowning:

They like to push AdRally… but Adrally dont even has Banners…

I really dont know right now where this should go :frowning:

So If Corona dont have an Insight… Inmobi Banners are gone …

And NO… i dont like to work with Enterprise make myself headache where they could just implement it easy again 

and I press one button and it works… ‘with corona u work 10 times faster’

Hey @guruk

So I spoke to the team here at InMobi and here’s the latest update:

Since Fuse acquired Corona in late 2014, we’re working with Fuse mediation which is the only channel going forward for pubs to use InMobi. Fuse has already built mediation adapters for InMobi and pubs can use Corona SDK which comes pre-bundled with Fuse mediation and InMobi SDK.

In short, just download the latest Corona SDK and you will be able to integrate with InMobi