Indentation issue


although on a daily basis I use a real IDE for work, I decided to give another try to Corona Editor, especially since it now supports debugging I’ve been asking for in one of my discussions.

Anyway… Apart from work I work on some new ideas and test stuff and I use Corona Editor for it now, but I’m struggling with something most basic… code indentation.

When I reformat my code, there are two issues I have to manually fix: formatting of ‘elseif’ (everywhere) and ‘end’ (of an anonymous function passed to onComplete/timer/event).

Here are two samples:, {alpha = 0, xScale = 2, yScale = 2, time = 400, transition = easing.inOutQuad, onComplete = function(target)          target:removeSelf()         end})  

if == boardTop then spots = topSpots elseif == boardBottom then spots = bottomSpots else assert(false, "unknown board") end

I’m not that fluent with Sublime to fix it myself. I’ve looked at the Lua code template, and the increaseIndentPattern looks ok.

Any ideas on how to fix this?


Ok… now that I wrote all of this, I have found the _decreaseIndentPattern _option, and it seems it lacks handling of this situation. I’m not sure it won’t screw things up in other cases, but now reformatting my file works as expected. I’ve added .* at the end of the pattern.



If you want your code formatting to work like in IntelliJ IDEA, you can add this to your user’s keybinding:

{ "keys": ["command+alt+l"], "command": "reindent", "args": {"single\_line": false} }

Happy coding!


And to all of you who prefer syntax:

local table = { blah = 2 }


local table = { blah = 2 }

here’s add .* into your increaseIndentPattern before the {


What files are those located in?  This is very useful.  The unindents frustrate the bajeebies for me.



I’ve edited

Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 2/Packages/Lua/Lua.tmLanguage &nbsp;

Unfortunately I didn’t get the 

local whatever = function() &nbsp; &nbsp; print("blah") end &nbsp;

to work yet. Let me know if you get the right pattern.



What files are those located in?  This is very useful.  The unindents frustrate the bajeebies for me.



I’ve edited

Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 2/Packages/Lua/Lua.tmLanguage &nbsp;

Unfortunately I didn’t get the 

local whatever = function() &nbsp; &nbsp; print("blah") end &nbsp;

to work yet. Let me know if you get the right pattern.



A simple fix would go along the lines of:

 \<key\>increaseIndentPattern\</key\> \<string\>^\s\*(else|elseif|for|(local\s+)?function|if|repeat|until|while)\b((?!end).)\*$|.\*=\s\*function\s\*\(\)\s\*$|.\*\{\s\*$\</string\>

Where we are just basically adding the “.*=\s*function\s*()\s*$”. Didn’t go through all scenarios, but I think it works ok for regular cases.


Upon reviewing this, I certainly forgot functions with parameters :slight_smile: Ops! I suppose something like .*=\s*function\s*([^)]*)\s*$ could work, but later I will test and provide a more correct answer.

Thanks for the report.  I’ve filed an issue.

A simple fix would go along the lines of:

 \<key\>increaseIndentPattern\</key\> \<string\>^\s\*(else|elseif|for|(local\s+)?function|if|repeat|until|while)\b((?!end).)\*$|.\*=\s\*function\s\*\(\)\s\*$|.\*\{\s\*$\</string\>

Where we are just basically adding the “.*=\s*function\s*()\s*$”. Didn’t go through all scenarios, but I think it works ok for regular cases.


Upon reviewing this, I certainly forgot functions with parameters :slight_smile: Ops! I suppose something like .*=\s*function\s*([^)]*)\s*$ could work, but later I will test and provide a more correct answer.

Thanks for the report.  I’ve filed an issue.

Anyone know a fix for this for ST 3? A guy here seems to have solved it for ST 2:

Found a better approach. See my later comment

I figured out a fix for both the elseif and function(args) indention issues (for ST 3 on OSX).

This worked for me:

  1. Navigate to Applications/Sublime (show package contents)/Contents/MacOS/Packages/

  2. Rename Lua.sublime-package to and unzip

  3. Replace code in Indent.tmPreferences with code below

  4. Compress back to .zip and rename back to Lua.sublime-package

  5. Restart Sublime

    <?xml version=“1.0” encoding=“UTF-8”?> <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC “-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN” “”> <plist version=“1.0”> <dict> <key>name</key> <string>Indent</string> <key>scope</key> <string>source.lua</string> <key>settings</key> <dict> <key>decreaseIndentPattern</key> <string>^\s*(else|end|})\s*$|^\s*elseif\b((?!end).)*$</string> <key>increaseIndentPattern</key> <string>^\s*(else|elseif|for|(local\s+)?function|if|repeat|until|while)\b((?!end).)*$|.*=\s*function\s*([^)]*)\s*$|.*{\s*$</string> </dict> <key>uuid</key> <string>411468A8-E0AC-415A-9E71-E2BD091EB571</string> </dict> </plist>

As I think about this, these settings will probably get overwritten the next time Sublime issues an update. You can also try creating a Lua folder in your Browse Packages directory, and copying the modified Indent.tmPreferences into it. You may also need the Lua.tmLanguage file. I tried testing this approach, but Sublime appears to be doing some package caching that I don’t quite understand. Let me know if this works for you.

Hey this almost works for Windows Sublime too!! Still get issues with indentation after a line of commented code. But your other changes work great. Still unusable for me, since…y’know I comment code. :wink:

Before reindent:

[lua]function Cleanup()

– First, delete previous trail

print("Before cleanup size of table "…#scrollers)


for i = #scrollers,1,-1 do

local child = scrollers[i]


display.remove( child )

child = nil



scrollers = nil

scrollers = {}


print("Size of table after cleanup "…#scrollers)


And after going to EDIT->LINE->REINDENT

[lua]function Cleanup()

– First, delete previous trail

print("Before cleanup size of table "…#scrollers)


    for i = #scrollers,1,-1 do

        local child = scrollers[i]


            display.remove( child )

            child = nil



    scrollers = nil

    scrollers = {}


print("Size of table after cleanup "…#scrollers)


Damn, SOOOOOOO close. This glitch is the ONLY thing keeping me from going full Sublime. 

Appreciate your efforts to kill this bug!!! 


Found a better approach. See my later comment


I was able to fix that as well. Do the following (close Sublime first for this one):

  1. Navigate to Applications/Sublime (show package contents)/Contents/MacOS/Packages/

  2. Rename Default.sublime-package to and unzip

  3. Replace code in Indentation Rules - Comments.tmPreferences with code below

  4. Compress back to zip and rename back to Default.sublime-package

  5. Reopen Sublime

    <?xml version=“1.0” encoding=“UTF-8”?> <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC “-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN” “”> <plist version=“1.0”> <dict> <key>scope</key> <string>comment</string> <key>settings</key> <dict> <key>preserveIndent</key> <false/> </dict> </dict> </plist>

YESSSSSSSSSS!!! It worked!! I’m on Windows, BTW but I found the packages under:

C:\Program Files\Sublime Text 3\Packages

In case any other Windows folks want to fix this.



These changes will probably revert when Sublime updates, but Perry should be able to implement them into his CoronaSDK package.

I plan too.  This is partly why the Corona SDK Lua syntax definition exists, because updating the Lua syntax will get overwritten.  If you prefer to use the Lua syntax file make sure you report the issues so there’s some chance they’ll be fixed (I believe the Sublime Text forums are right place to do this though I seem to recall some effort to start using Github for the “packages” and I’m not sure if syntax definitions fall under that).  Note that the Corona SDK Lua syntax definition colorizes most of the Corona SDK specific stuff as well as the regular Lua things.

Perry, I am using the Corona SDK Lua syntax, which I much prefer. The changes I described above affect both the Lua and Corona SDK Lua syntaxes, I’m guessing because you haven’t specified any .tmPreferences in your package (just a guess… I’ve only been using Sublime a few days now).

I found that with my above approach, changing the Default.sublime-package was resulting in shortcuts for Toggle Comment, Toggle Block Comment, and Duplicate Line being disabled (because of hidden files OSX includes in zip which are difficult to remove). So here is a better approach which will also persist between Sublime updates.

*Note that if you have the shortcut issue mentioned above, delete the Sublime and reinstall. Your user settings and plugins will persist.

  1. Install PackageResourceViewer from command palette

  2. Run “PackageResourceViewer: Open Resource” from command palette

  3. Navigate to Lua/Indent.tmPreferences and change middle block to look like this:

    <key>decreaseIndentPattern</key> <string>^\s*(else|else\s*–.*|end|end\s*–.*|}\s*,|})\s*$|^\s*elseif\b((?!end).)*$</string> <key>increaseIndentPattern</key> <string>^\s*(else|elseif|for|(local\s+)?function|if|repeat|until|while)\b((?!end).)*$|.*=\s*function\s*([^)]*)\s*$|.*{\s*$</string>

  4. Next use “PackageResourceViewer: Open Resource” to open Default/Rules - Comments.tmPreferences and change middle block to look like this:

    <dict> <key>preserveIndent</key> <false/> </dict>

  5. Make sure you save those 2 files (the plugin creates a copy of them in the appropriate places)

  6. This step may be unnecessary, but clean the contents of Cache folder (for me, found at Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Cache)

So this works great except the “Run” (Windows+F10) command fails to launch the simulator, however the “Debug” option works (F10) after erroring out on the first line, then hitting F10 again to “step through” the first false positive error…I don’t debug much so this workaround is OK. Hell, it’s closer than I was a month ago with Sublime!!

Thanks again landoncope, this is really glorious!!!


You’ll have to give some more details of what happens when you try to “Run” your project, including console output.