Yes. Admob is currently available in Starter package.
There’s been a lot of questions with inmobi, basic, starter…
This used to work, but Basic is now, the floor for InMobi, correct?
"Yes. Admob is currently available in Starter package. "
Meaning we reserve the right to take it down any time like we just did for inmobi ?
It’s your product and your decisions, but continuity is good business practice.
Graphics 2.0 not backward compatible, storyboard sold as the best are how history, ads network sometimes you have them the next day you don’t.
Eh, you get what you pay for
By the way could you telle us where we can find this info on what’s available in what package ?
yahel - we do strive for continuity and this one change (Inmobi now has a floor of Basic) has been the single change we have made so far. There are still several options (and more coming soon) for Starter.
You can see all plugins here:
Hey guys
Just to clarify, at this moment, InMobi is not available to Starter. But we are working with the Corona staff (we’re in touch with David Rangel) to get this fixed.
I’ve explained all this in a thread here. Do take a look.
Hey guys
Just to clarify, at this moment, InMobi is not available to Starter. But we are working with the Corona staff (we’re in touch with David Rangel) to get this fixed.
I’ve explained all this in a thread here. Do take a look.