Edit: About the delay, I’m seeing it now. I don’t know why I didn’t notice it last night… The white blank space preceding the fullscreen ad is quite disruptive & jarring.
Hey, Maciej, I just implemented fullscreen inneractive ads. It’s a very simple integration.
With my current implementation of inneractive fullscreen ads on iOS device, “skip” text button appear on lower left corner for me, tapping on which will hide/close the ad. I suppose that’s what you are looking for when you mentioned exit button?
About the delay, I haven’t experienced it. Where are you located? I’m in California. It could be a location issue. Or… maybe the delay is due to some internet/network connectivity issue?
One real problem I noticed with the fullscreen ad implementation is that, it won’t show fullscreen ads. It only displays banner ads on fullscreen, and it really doesn’t look right. I emailed Orly about it, and here’s her response:
Let me share with you how the full screen ads appear at the moment:
The full screen that we present is a white inneractive background with a banner in the middle. It should change in the next 2 weeks for actual full screen interactive ads. We are going to release new version for our iOS SDK with ORMMA compliance which will present instead in the full screen reach media/interactive ads. You can read more information about it here - http://blog.inner-active.com/2011/09/inneractive-goes-interactive-with-10-global-rich-media-mobile-ad-partners/.
I’ll just have to wait and see how fullscreen ads would look when it start appearing. If it looks good enough, then I’m happy…
That said, I’m going to investigate Ken’s Inneractive wrapper class posted here. I believe Ken’s class addresses this issue head on.
Anyhow, here’s the simplest implementation I did (see below). Remember to set up the inneractive account, add your app, and get the appID before you start.
[lua]-- main.lua
ads = require “ads”
– initialize advertisement
local model = system.getInfo(“model”);
if (model == “iPad”) then
– initialize for the iPad
ads.init( “inneractive”, “APPID_FROM_INNERACTIVE_DASHBOARD” ) – this ID ends with iPad
– initialize for iPhone
ads.init( “inneractive”, “APPID_FROM_INNERACTIVE_DASHBOARD” ) – this ID ends with iPhone
[lua]-- in a module where fullscreen ads are to be displayed
local isSimulator = system.getInfo(“environment”) == “simulator”
local function testNetworkConnection()
local netConn = require(‘socket’).connect(‘www.apple.com’, 80)
if netConn == nil then
return false
return true
if ( isSimulator or not testNetworkConnection() ) then
print(“on simulator or no network connection, and therefore, no fullscreen ads”)
– full screen advertisement to be shown
print(" ads.show is triggered")
ads.show( “fullscreen”, { x=0, y=0, interval=60 } )
[import]uid: 67217 topic_id: 20050 reply_id: 80680[/import]