Keying Color values different from Corona Simulator

HI there,

I’m having an issue with keying colors on a white texture. In Spine, it looks correct. Exported json values also looks correct. But in Corona, it comes out different.

Attach is a simple test. White texture and setting 3 different color keyframes (White to Red to Green to Blue.)

Here’s the json:

{ "bones": [{ "name": "root" }], "slots": [{ "name": "whitetest", "bone": "root", "attachment": "whitetest" }], "skins": { "default": { "whitetest": { "whitetest": { "width": 256, "height": 256 } } } }, "animations": { "animation": { "slots": { "whitetest": { "color": [{ "time": 0, "color": "ffffffff" }, { "time": 1, "color": "ff0000ff" }, { "time": 2, "color": "00ff00ff" }, { "time": 3, "color": "0000ffff" }] } } } }

In Corona, I see White to Yellow to Cyan. and it is not linear transition but Stepped.

Any ideas?


  • Alfred