I’m very please to announce the release of Level Director V2 (www.retrofitproductions.com/level-director)
Please check out the website for more information but here is the release notes for your information;
• Add support for texture packer sprite sheets saved as ‘Generic XML’. The add asset button now provides two options, add image (as before) and add texturepacker xml file.
• Added template export feature which is documented here Export-Templates.
• New checkbox ‘New file per level’ added for when using templates.
• Fixed fit to window on body editor for circle objects.
• Save last zoom value on level.
• Moved example projects to user local documents folder under Level Director to fix permission issues with Windows8.
• Canvas margins can now be changed per level, see level properties.
• Added the ability to specify indivdual frames to an animation sequence e.g. 1,3,4,5,8.
• Multiple levels/scenes can now be created. A new level dropdown has been added above the layers window with new buttons to allow you to add and delete a level/scene.
• 25% Zoom level added.
• Project tab added to tools-options which allows you to specify the export folder and file extension when using an export template.
• New corona export template created along with a LD_Loader and LD_Helper files to aid in the object creation and asset management. This helps separate the level data from the creation code. These can be found in the Utils folder.
• Added some templates to output data in a generic LUA format and also a prototype MOAI format.
• Reworked rotation code so the host rectangle is resized correctly allowing the rotated images to show in proportion.
• A general ‘Class’ property added to asset and object to allow you to group objects and assets easily.
• Show bodies on text objects now supported.
• Fixed issue when editing text where delete button would remove the object.
• New ‘Path’ object added which allows you to specify points along a line and optionally hook-up to physics.
• LD_Helper attaches a ‘followPath’ method to each object which allows you to specify which path to follow (see LD_Helper.lua)
• Parallax properties added to Level - ParallaxEnabled and ParallaxInfinite.
• Parallax properties added to Layer - ParallaxRepeated, ParallaxSpeedX and ParallaxSpeedY
• LD_Helper will check to see if ParallaxEnabled and attaches two new methods ‘move’ and ‘moveCamera’ to the level object. moveCamera only moves layers so object wrapping not supported in this mode.
• X Flip property added to Image objects.
• Y Flip property added to image objects.
• EnableDrag property added, when set to true and used with LD_Helper a touch event will be added to the object.
• New V2Demo example project added to demo v2 features.
• *NOTE: The V2Demo example uses the CoronaTemplate export whereas all the other examples use the built-in corona export. So if you intend to make changes be sure to set the correct export method othewise the main.lua will not work correctly. Alternatively you could change the main.lua to work with the corresponding export. Please see the example project documentation on the website.