I downloaded the new version and try to install it but it saying that i need to delete the previous version? I have no problem with that but would that delete my licence as well?
Thanks for any suggestions what I should do.
I downloaded the new version and try to install it but it saying that i need to delete the previous version? I have no problem with that but would that delete my licence as well?
Thanks for any suggestions what I should do.
Hi Mo,
That is fine, go ahead and uninstall the old version it will remember your licence key.
It worked like a charm. Can’t wait for more videos! I LOVE the first one. More info about path…More info…Ok I stop… LOL
Hey Mo, you do make me laugh, I like your energy and enthusiasm. More tutorials are coming, I promise. Take a look at the v2demo example it gives you a basic overview on using paths and parallax scrolling. If you make any changes and want to export them make sure you select the ‘template export’ in tools options and then select the coronaTemplate.lua file from the templates folder. You should also make sure the level export folder in tools options is pointing to the correct location too (‘levels’ folder within the project folder) Thanks
Thanks! I forgot about those example demo! :rolleyes:
Minor update uploaded (http://www.retrofitproductions.com/level-director/download/)
• Clear export folder when a new level pack is created.
• New: Drawing mode added to tools->options so you can switch to pixel art mode.
• Fixed issue with some of the example projects where the object ids got corrupted so selecting objects did not work correctly.
Level Director 2.1.0 Released (now supports Physics Editor) (http://www.retrofitproductions.com/level-director)
•New: Added support for Complex Bodies and body shape editor re-designed to accommodate.
•New: Added Physics Editor (codeandweb) import button to asset add button. This will import all physics and shape data and apply to assets.
•New: A new LevelDirector xml exporter created for use with Physics Editor, please copy these files from the PhysicsEditor folder into your PE exporters folder.
•New: Template export modified to support new ‘Shapes’ object which contains all the fixtures for an asset or object.
•New: LD_Helper changed to work with complex bodies with support for dynamic scaling.
•New: A new property called ‘LinkFixtures’ added to Asset and Image Objects so that changes to the main body physics attributes are replicated down to the sub fixtures/shapes.
•Fix: ‘Show bodies’ option (on layer) now renders correctly for rotated objects.
•Fix: Collision editor fixed when drilling down from Image object.
•New: Collision Editor now has two new buttons, ‘Select All’ and ‘Unselect All’.
•New: PEDemo example added which was created using sprites from texture packer and physics from physics editor.
•Fix: LD_Helper didn’t work correctly when multiple animation sequences were used.
•Fix: Enabled ‘Use physics from assets’ on export options in template mode.
Level Director 2.0.2 Released (http://www.retrofitproductions.com/level-director)
•New: Added ‘Auto Trace Polygon’ to tools->options (default is off).
•New: Added ‘Max Points’ to tools->options (default is 8 to support Corona).
•New: Added Delete point button to polygon editor.
•New: Added Trace Shape button to polygon editor.
•New: When an Asset or Object physics.bodyshape is set to ‘Polygon’ and the ‘Auto Trace Polygon’ option is checked then Level Director will automatically add a polygon shape to the object. It does its best to trace the outline of the image and plot convex points based on the ‘Max Points’ specified in the options. The results are impressive when the max points are above 20 but Corona currently only supports 8. In the future we’ll add support for complex shapes.
•UI: In the polygon editor if there are points already defined the edit button is automatically selected.
I’ve had a few questions on how to use TexturePacker and PhysicsEditor with the new version of Level Director so I created this tutorial to help.
It is actually quite simple, just import the xml files and you’re done but the tutorial expands on the different settings required to make it work correctly.
Level Director v2.2.0 Released (http://www.retrofitproductions.com/level-director)
Yes you got it, another release, check out the new animation viewer.
• New: Completely new animation sequence window created that allows you to create, modify and preview your animations.
• New: A new template export tag <%?OBJECT_PHYSICS%> has been added to the corona_template which honors the option ‘Use Asset Physics’ setting. This acts like an IF statement and will only include the section if you are not using physics at the asset level. This cuts down the file size by excluding all the object physics properties. LD_Helper automatically knows to use the physics on the asset instead.
• New: You can now rotate an object by right-clicking and dragging the mouse.
Level Director 2.1.0 Released (now supports Physics Editor) (http://www.retrofitproductions.com/level-director)
•New: Added support for Complex Bodies and body shape editor re-designed to accommodate.
•New: Added Physics Editor (codeandweb) import button to asset add button. This will import all physics and shape data and apply to assets.
•New: A new LevelDirector xml exporter created for use with Physics Editor, please copy these files from the PhysicsEditor folder into your PE exporters folder.
•New: Template export modified to support new ‘Shapes’ object which contains all the fixtures for an asset or object.
•New: LD_Helper changed to work with complex bodies with support for dynamic scaling.
•New: A new property called ‘LinkFixtures’ added to Asset and Image Objects so that changes to the main body physics attributes are replicated down to the sub fixtures/shapes.
•Fix: ‘Show bodies’ option (on layer) now renders correctly for rotated objects.
•Fix: Collision editor fixed when drilling down from Image object.
•New: Collision Editor now has two new buttons, ‘Select All’ and ‘Unselect All’.
•New: PEDemo example added which was created using sprites from texture packer and physics from physics editor.
•Fix: LD_Helper didn’t work correctly when multiple animation sequences were used.
•Fix: Enabled ‘Use physics from assets’ on export options in template mode.
I’ve had a few questions on how to use TexturePacker and PhysicsEditor with the new version of Level Director so I created this tutorial to help.
It is actually quite simple, just import the xml files and you’re done but the tutorial expands on the different settings required to make it work correctly.
Level Director v2.2.0 Released (http://www.retrofitproductions.com/level-director)
Yes you got it, another release, check out the new animation viewer.
• New: Completely new animation sequence window created that allows you to create, modify and preview your animations.
• New: A new template export tag <%?OBJECT_PHYSICS%> has been added to the corona_template which honors the option ‘Use Asset Physics’ setting. This acts like an IF statement and will only include the section if you are not using physics at the asset level. This cuts down the file size by excluding all the object physics properties. LD_Helper automatically knows to use the physics on the asset instead.
• New: You can now rotate an object by right-clicking and dragging the mouse.
Hi, is it possible to use this with the director class? otherwise how could i go about changing levels and to other menus if i can’t use the director class?
Thank you!
Yes you can easily use the director class with level director.
Level director returns you a display group so you just need to add this the main director display group.
Example3 that comes with Level Director gives an example of this.
Hi, is it possible to use this with the director class? otherwise how could i go about changing levels and to other menus if i can’t use the director class?
Thank you!
Yes you can easily use the director class with level director.
Level director returns you a display group so you just need to add this the main director display group.
Example3 that comes with Level Director gives an example of this.
I am very pleased to announce the release of Level Director V2.3.0.
This is a big release, please see some of the highlights below;
• New: The <%?> export decision control tags have been extended to greatly reduce the size of the exported files.
<%?OBJECT_POINT%> only export path/point data for path and bezier objects.
<%?OBJECT_STYLE%> only export style data e.g. strokeWidth for relevant objects.
<%?OBJECT_FOLLOWPATH%> only export follow path data for objects that have it configured.
<%?OBJECT_JOINT%> only export joint data for Joint objects.
<%?OBJECT_TEXT%> only export text related data for Text objects.
• Fix: ReferencePoint has been moved from the Physics attributes to the object and the export template updated accordingly.
• Fix: It is now possible to delete an asset group added from a TexturePacker file.
• New: You can now collapse spritesheet groups in the asset window.
• New: Non-spritesheet assets are included in a new ‘Assets’ group so it can be collapsed.
• New: The screen position and canvas size are now stored and reloaded.
• Fix: Now exports FixedRotation and IsSleeping correctly.
• New: LD now stores all image files as relative paths to the project location. For existing projects these will be updated so please take a backup and make sure the images are located within a valid relative path.
• New: When ‘Use physics at assest level’ is checked then the physics properties at object level are disabled.
• New: The canvas window will automatically scroll if objects are dragged to the edge of the screen. This can be turned off in options.
• New: The path object now shows as a dotted line when export mode is set to ‘Data Only’.
• Fix: Canvas windows now positions correctly after window size is changed.
• Fix: The default referencepoint for rectangles is now set to ‘Center’ rather than ‘Top left’.
• New: FollowPath properties now added to each object.
Path – Path to follow and is a dropdown list of current paths added to level.
Repeats – Number of times to repeat, -1 = forever.
Rebound – When true, object will rebound i.e. traverse in opposite direction.
XFlip – If rebound, then flip in the x direction.
YFlip – If rebound, then flip in the y direction.
Rotate - Rotate object according to current position/angle on path.
Delay – controls how fast the object should follow the path, bigger number = slower.
AutoStart – when set and using LD_Loader the object will automatically start following the path (need to call initLevel).
Direction – The start direction i.e. Forward or Backward.
• New: In tools->options you can now add user defined class names e.g. ‘Coin’ or ‘Enemy’ and then specify a class value to each object from a dropdown list.
• New: In LD_Loader some new helper functions have been added;
LD_Loader:getObject(objectName) – return the first object with the specified name
LD_Loader:getLayerObject(layerName,objectName) – return the object on the specified layer
LD_Loader:objectsWithClass(className) - return all objects of that class name.
LD_Loader:layerObjectsWithClass(layerName, className) – as above but on a given layer
LD_Loader:removeLayerObject(layerName,objectName) – remove a named object on a layer
LD_Loader:removeLayerObjectsWithClass(layerName,className) – remove all objects on a layer for specificed class.
LD_Loader:removeObjectsWithClass(className) – remove all objects for specified class name.
LD_Loader:addEventListenerToAllObjects(eventName, listener) – add specified event listener to all objects
LD_Loader:initLevel() – call this after load level to start objects that are to follow a path.
• New: DebugMode has been added as a property on the level and exported as token %LEVEL%.DebugMode.
• New: PositionIterations has been added as a property on the level and exported as token %LEVEL%.PositionIterations.
• New: VelocityIterations has been added as a property on the level and exported as token %LEVEL%.VelocityIterations.
• Fix: Physics – isSensor and isBullet is now exported correctly and LD_Helper has been updated accordingly.
• New: Beizer and Paths exported for display are now part of a display group.
• Fix: Export now works correctly when regional settings converts dot to comma.
• New: PottyBird endless runner type game example added to demonstrate many of the new features in Level Director (drag bird and tap to poop).
Remember all the examples are included in the free download at http://www.retrofitproductions.com/level-director
I installed ver. 2.3 on ver. 1.8 and I have two problems:
“About” window says that my copy is Unregistered. But I have licence key. My last ver. 1.8 was registered. What should I do?
I can see the exeption window after program’s start. Something like this:
"System.TypeLoadException: can’t load type ‘Curves.ListViewExtended’ from "Curves, Version-, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null.’
I can choose ‘continue’, but I can’t work. This error appears everytime when I choose “New” or “Open”.
I have Windows XP.
Hi Nosty,
I have been able to replicate this on a windows XP machine, I’ll look into this right away.
Sorry for the inconvenience.