Level Director - Level creation tool for windows

I have uploaded a new version which should now support Windows XP, but I had to sacrifice the collapsible group functionality in the process.  

Please uninstall your current version then download and install the new version.

Let me know how you get on.

Thank you!

The new version works great and is registred now.

Excellent, unfortunately you do lose the nice collapsible asset group feature using XP but at least it now works.

Calling out to all developers using Level Director, I would really like to hear what projects you are working on.

I will be doing a blog on Corona soon about Level Director and thought it would be good to mention some of your projects which might add a little free exposure.

Also, on the retrofitproductions website I will add a section where you can post your projects with links.


I am very pleased to announce the release of Level Director V2.3.0.

This is a big release, please see some of the highlights below;

• New: The <%?>  export decision control tags have been extended to greatly reduce the size of the exported files.

<%?OBJECT_POINT%> only export path/point data for path and bezier objects.

<%?OBJECT_STYLE%> only export style data e.g. strokeWidth for relevant objects.

<%?OBJECT_FOLLOWPATH%> only export follow path data for objects that have it configured.

<%?OBJECT_JOINT%> only export joint data for Joint objects.

<%?OBJECT_TEXT%> only export text related data for Text objects.

• Fix: ReferencePoint has been moved from the Physics attributes to the object and the export template updated accordingly.

• Fix: It is now possible to delete an asset group added from a TexturePacker file.

• New: You can now collapse spritesheet groups in the asset window.

• New: Non-spritesheet assets are included in a new ‘Assets’ group so it can be collapsed.

• New: The screen position and canvas size are now stored and reloaded.

• Fix: Now exports FixedRotation and IsSleeping correctly.

• New: LD now stores all image files as relative paths to the project location.  For existing projects these will be updated so please take a backup and make sure the images are located within a valid relative path.

• New:  When ‘Use physics at assest level’ is checked then the physics properties at object level are disabled.

• New: The canvas window will automatically scroll if objects are dragged to the edge of the screen.  This can be turned off in options.

• New: The path object now shows as a dotted line when export mode is set to ‘Data Only’.

• Fix: Canvas windows now positions correctly after window size is changed.

• Fix: The default referencepoint for rectangles is now set to ‘Center’ rather than ‘Top left’.

• New: FollowPath properties now added to each object.

        Path – Path to follow and is a dropdown list of current     paths added to level.

    Repeats – Number of times to repeat, -1  = forever.

    Rebound – When true, object will rebound i.e. traverse in opposite direction.

    XFlip – If rebound, then flip in the x direction.

    YFlip – If rebound, then flip in the y direction.

    Rotate  - Rotate object according to current position/angle on path.

    Delay – controls how fast the object should follow the path, bigger number = slower.

    AutoStart – when set and using LD_Loader the object will automatically start following the path  (need to call initLevel).

    Direction – The start direction i.e. Forward or Backward.

• New: In tools->options you can now add user defined class names e.g. ‘Coin’ or ‘Enemy’ and then specify a class value to each object from a dropdown list.

• New: In LD_Loader some new helper functions have been added;

    LD_Loader:getObject(objectName) – return the first object with the specified name

    LD_Loader:getLayerObject(layerName,objectName) – return the object on the specified layer

    LD_Loader:objectsWithClass(className)  - return all objects of that class name.

    LD_Loader:layerObjectsWithClass(layerName, className) – as above but on a given layer

    LD_Loader:removeLayerObject(layerName,objectName) – remove a named object on a layer

    LD_Loader:removeLayerObjectsWithClass(layerName,className) – remove all objects on a layer for specificed class.

    LD_Loader:removeObjectsWithClass(className) – remove all objects for specified class name.

    LD_Loader:addEventListenerToAllObjects(eventName, listener) – add specified event listener to all objects

    LD_Loader:initLevel() – call this after load level to start objects that are to follow a path.

• New:  DebugMode has been added as a property on the level and exported as token  %LEVEL%.DebugMode.

• New:  PositionIterations has been added as a property on the level and exported as token  %LEVEL%.PositionIterations.

• New:  VelocityIterations has been added as a property on the level and exported as token  %LEVEL%.VelocityIterations.

• Fix: Physics – isSensor and isBullet is now exported correctly and LD_Helper has been updated accordingly.

• New: Beizer and Paths exported for display are now part of a display group.

• Fix: Export now works correctly when regional settings converts dot to comma.

• New: PottyBird endless runner type game example added to demonstrate many of the new features in Level Director (drag bird and tap to poop).

Remember all the examples are included in the free download at http://www.retrofitproductions.com/level-director

I installed ver. 2.3 on ver. 1.8 and I have two problems:

  1. “About” window says that my copy is Unregistered. But I have licence key. My last ver. 1.8 was registered. What should I do?

  2. I can see the exeption window after program’s start. Something like this:

"System.TypeLoadException: can’t load type ‘Curves.ListViewExtended’ from "Curves, Version-, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null.’

I can choose ‘continue’, but I can’t work. This error appears everytime when I choose “New” or “Open”.

I have Windows XP.

Hi Nosty,

I have been able to replicate this on a windows XP machine, I’ll look into this right away.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

I have uploaded a new version which should now support Windows XP, but I had to sacrifice the collapsible group functionality in the process.  

Please uninstall your current version then download and install the new version.

Let me know how you get on.

Thank you!

The new version works great and is registred now.

Excellent, unfortunately you do lose the nice collapsible asset group feature using XP but at least it now works.

Calling out to all developers using Level Director, I would really like to hear what projects you are working on.

I will be doing a blog on Corona soon about Level Director and thought it would be good to mention some of your projects which might add a little free exposure.

Also, on the retrofitproductions website I will add a section where you can post your projects with links.


Do you know of any examples of using level director with lots of different levels and integrating with corona storyboard


I created this quick example using storyboard so it has had minimal testing;


Note: I had to modify the Config.lua and LD_helper files to accommodate the storyboard view.

Graphics 2.0 - in case you had not spotted it, there is a LD v2.4 Beta release mentioned in this post;


It supports AnchorX and Y for people using the new Daily Builds with Graphics 2.0.

Level Director v2.4 Released with support for Graphics 2.0 Engine ( http://www.retrofitproductions.com/level-director)


•Fix: Resolved issue with PhysicsEditor imported items for European regions where dots and commas are swapped, it would cause the physics editor window to crash.
•New: Graphics2.0 – Default AnchorX and Y properties added to tools->options and associated to each project.
•New: Graphics2.0 – AnchorX and Y added to Assets and defaulted from project defaults (above).
•New: Graphics2.0 – AnchorX and Y added to objects and defaults to assoicated asset values (above).
•New: Graphics2.0 – Flag added to tools->options to specify if a project is Graphics2.0 enabled. If set then coordinates are calculated based on the anchor values
•New: LD_HelperG2.lua, LD_LoaderG2.lua and Corona_templateG2.lua files created to work with Graphics2.0 projects only.
•New: %LEVEL%.AnchorX and Y added to export the default anchor values.
•New: %ASSET%.AnchorX and Y added to export anchor values for an asset.
•New: %OBJECT%.AnchorX and Y added to export anchor values for an object.
•New: G2Test example project added to test the new modules (above) work with the Graphics2.0 builds of Corona.
•New: Click scroll wheel and move mouse (not drag) to scroll canvas in that direction.
•Fix: Auto load last level fixed.
•New: A simple Storyboard example project added.
•New: Allowed Physics to be imported from PhysicsEditor and applied to non imagesheet assets.
•New: Polygon shape object added. Size a container then start plotting points. Supports texture fills.
•New: Rectangles and Circle object now support texture fill when in Graphics 2.0 (G2) mode.
•New: Anchor point indicator now shows on selected object (G2 mode).
•New: When plotting points (polygons, paths etc) the last point is shown in a different colour.
•New: Points (polygons, paths etc) are only drawn when object is selected.
•New: WireFrame property added to level and %LEVEL%.WireFrame export tag created.
•New: %OBJECT%.FillType added to export, 0 = Colour, 1= Texture from Image, 2 = Texture from ImageSheet
•New: %OBJECT%.FillAssetName added to export to determine the asset in which to get the fill image
•New: %OBJECT%.FillFrame added to export and used in conjunction with imagesheet tp specifiy the frame.
•New: %OBJECT%.StrokeColorA added to provide the alpha element.
•New: %OBJECT%.FillColorA added to provide the alpha element.
•NOTE: Only the G2Test example was created to work with the Graphics 2.0 build of Corona SDK, the other examples will need a pre G2 build of Corona or be exported and converted to work in G2 mode.


your examples do not work with the new Corona SDK, because they use the sprite.lua file (Library) which is not longer supported.


Hi, yes you’re right the original examples are still based on the older builds of Corona but the G2Test example is not and uses the new G2 versions of the helper files.

It is difficult as people are still using the old trusty builds before G2 settles down, and I don’t blame them.

The examples should be easily converted by marking them as Graphics2.0 enabled and using the G2 versions of the helper lua files.

If there are any you need help with then please let me know and I’ll convert them for you and in time I will convert them all.

…actually by commenting out the 'require “sprite” line will probably fix it as you’ll notice in LD_Helper.lua it has a switch to use the old and new, and the new method is the default.

LD\_Helper.useSpriteSheets = true -- use old (false) or new method for spritesheets &nbsp;

Thanks a lot for your fast reply and help.

The G2 demo is working fine in the simulator. But i think Graphics 2.0 (or especially the type of licence which was introduced with G2) will bring some more troubles because of the so called “premium features”

i have only the Starter licence and now i get the following warings in the Simulator:

WARNING: object.path is a premium graphics feature that requires a Pro (or highe
r) subscription.

The same for object.fill.

Perhaps you also have to provide different templates for Pro and Starter users :-)

Kind regards,


I wasn’t really aware of the new limitations they have introduced between the different licences so i think different versions are a great idea.

In the mean time feel free to make a copy and tailor it to your needs.