Level Director - Level creation tool for windows

I just realised that the v2.7 zip file was invalid, I have now uploaded a new version which should work fine.

Apologies for this if you tried to download it.

Level Director v2.7 Released   (http://www.retrofitproductions.com/level-director/)

Whats New?

  • Fix: FollowPath modified so it works for Corona Starter edition users.
  • Fix: Export modified so it works for Corona Starter edition users when not using Pro functions.
  • New: Camera Object added which acts as a non-visual place holder to obtain a position on the level.
  • New: LD_HelperG2 now attaches new functions to the level, slideCameraToPosition(), setCameraFocus(), setCameraBounds()
  • New: LD_HelperG2 adds a new property ‘isTracking’ which starts/stops tracking when the camera focus is set to an object.
  • New: ParallaxDamping property added to Level to smooth out scrolling (keep as 1 when tracking).
  • Fix: FollowPath export fixed for European regions (comma, dots swapped).
  • Fix: FollowPath event listeners were not removed correctly.
  • Modify: Free edition now allows up to 10 objects to be exported but with a warning message.
  • New: EmbossedText now supported and allows you to specify Highlight and Shadow colours.
  • Modify: Status panel changed to show Start and End points for Bezier, Polygon and Path objects.
  • New: Scroller example added to demonstrate 4 way scrolling, camera and collisions.
  • New: Scroller2 example added to demonstrate camera tracking.
  • Modify: Assets now sorted in group name order.
  • Fix: LD_LoaderG2 removeLevel() fixed to correctly remove all objects from a level and avoid memory leak.
  • New: Last visited file list added to file menu.
  • New: Button now includes ‘Over’ styling in addition to ‘Default’, these include Image, Corner radius, Fill Color, Stroke Width and Stroke Color.
  • Modify: LD_HelperG2 – Button code reworked so it doesn’t use fill method and therefore works for non Pro users.
  • Fix: Prevented Bezier, Path and Polygon from Flipping when entering a name containing X or Y.
  • New: Bezier, Path and Polygon containers now resize automatically when editing points.
  • Fix: Added missing physics GravityScale to export template and LD_HelperG2.
  • Modify: Export – moved object user properties to view level rather than root level.

Please uninstall your current version first.

I just realised that the v2.7 zip file was invalid, I have now uploaded a new version which should work fine.

Apologies for this if you tried to download it.

Hi - I am trying to convert a basic game engine I wrote in Corona to be compatible with your level editor because I like the features and think it will make level design so much easier. But I am having trouble finding information on the some of the built in functions and names once I try to control level objects in my LUA source. 

For example:

I made a dpad that has 360 degree control (in basic lua it was just a circle object with an event listener and a couple trig calculations to get a relative dx and dy based on where the touch event happened within the circle). To convert this into level director I made it a button object. I have it detecting touch events and converting this into motion of a player. My problem is that when the button is being held down and the event position on the button is changing that current event.x and event.y is not updating but staying at the original event.x and event.y from the first touch position. Therefore the players dx and dy does not change unless the button is released and touched again.

I am not looking for you to solve my problem - but figured I would give you an idea of where my question originated:

finally my question:

I see in the examples (such as Scroller2) that there are events programmed in for onPress and onRelease etc. is there an onHold (or equivalent) function? or do i use the drag event function? What would really be helpful is LUA documentation for the names and abilities of all of these seemingly built in functions for LD objects? Does this exist? or do I need to scour example projects and hope that one covers my problem?

I want to control my LD objects easily with my LUA code!



I think I know what are you’re asking but the LD button object doesn’t really support a drag event.

The LD_HelperG2.lua file could be modified or maybe if you already have a library for a dpad you could still use it.

It is simple to add external objects to any layer in LD so this might be easier for you.


myLayer = myLevel:getLayer(“GUI”).view


For further reference please review this : http://www.retrofitproductions.com/level-director/utility-library/

Let me know if you need any further help.

Hi - I am trying to convert a basic game engine I wrote in Corona to be compatible with your level editor because I like the features and think it will make level design so much easier. But I am having trouble finding information on the some of the built in functions and names once I try to control level objects in my LUA source. 

For example:

I made a dpad that has 360 degree control (in basic lua it was just a circle object with an event listener and a couple trig calculations to get a relative dx and dy based on where the touch event happened within the circle). To convert this into level director I made it a button object. I have it detecting touch events and converting this into motion of a player. My problem is that when the button is being held down and the event position on the button is changing that current event.x and event.y is not updating but staying at the original event.x and event.y from the first touch position. Therefore the players dx and dy does not change unless the button is released and touched again.

I am not looking for you to solve my problem - but figured I would give you an idea of where my question originated:

finally my question:

I see in the examples (such as Scroller2) that there are events programmed in for onPress and onRelease etc. is there an onHold (or equivalent) function? or do i use the drag event function? What would really be helpful is LUA documentation for the names and abilities of all of these seemingly built in functions for LD objects? Does this exist? or do I need to scour example projects and hope that one covers my problem?

I want to control my LD objects easily with my LUA code!



I think I know what are you’re asking but the LD button object doesn’t really support a drag event.

The LD_HelperG2.lua file could be modified or maybe if you already have a library for a dpad you could still use it.

It is simple to add external objects to any layer in LD so this might be easier for you.


myLayer = myLevel:getLayer(“GUI”).view


For further reference please review this : http://www.retrofitproductions.com/level-director/utility-library/

Let me know if you need any further help.