Login and Username with Facebook API

So I am trying to just login a user with facebook, then all I want to do is use their username as the username for my online section of the game. I am however very unfamiliar with the facebook API, and I just can’t seem to get the info I want. 

All I need is to get the facebook username. I am able to get the full name of the user by adding a section into the facebook listener. 

if ( commandProcessedByFB == GET\_USER\_INFO ) then username = response.name end

but I don’t want the users full name I just want their username instead, so I tried 

if ( commandProcessedByFB == GET\_USER\_INFO ) then username = response.username end

but this returns a nil. I have attached my whole module below, its just an adaptation from the given facebook example. 

Why do you need their username?

Just capture their ID and use that.

Because the ID is just a string of numbers, so I can’t use that as a displayname and I don’t want to display the users full name due to privacy issues. 

users name is reported in a “get me” call this requires no privilleges

I’m sorry I’m not sure what you mean by that. I’ve tried

local function processFBCommand()

local response = {}

if requestedFBCommand == GET_USER_INFO then

response = facebook.request( “me” )

– facebook.request( “me/friends” )  – Alternate request


printTable( response )


local function processFBCommand() local response = {} if requestedFBCommand == GET\_USER\_INFO then response = facebook.request( "me" ) -- facebook.request( "me/friends" ) -- Alternate request end printTable( response ) end

Then taking response.username to use as the username but that returns a nil.

So I noticed in: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/graph-api/reference/user 

that there are values for, name, first name, last name, and ID, but nothing about a username. How do you typically handle a username when someone logs in using facebook? 

In my game I’ll allow users to upload custom made levels, and each level was going to have the username of the user that created it.  I noticed that 2 Dots shows the user’s email, but that doesn’t seem like a good idea. I know I have the user ID but that’s just a string of numbers and doesn’t make sense either. Then angry birds allows you to choose either your own name or a random name. I thought that facebook users already had a custom username that I could use?

Exactly… just concatenate first name and last name?  I’m not sure what username you are talking about on Facebook?

You could allow your players to add a user name when they upload?

Facebook does not have a “Username”. You use your email address to login. The ID is the unique user ID that you can use with your online service for its ID. Then you can display the first name for privacy reasons. You can also request the email permission and the email will be included in the /me package.


Hi Rob, facebook does have usernames.  I actually use my username to log in to facebook.

Why do you need their username?

Just capture their ID and use that.

Because the ID is just a string of numbers, so I can’t use that as a displayname and I don’t want to display the users full name due to privacy issues. 

users name is reported in a “get me” call this requires no privilleges

I’m sorry I’m not sure what you mean by that. I’ve tried

local function processFBCommand()

local response = {}

if requestedFBCommand == GET_USER_INFO then

response = facebook.request( “me” )

– facebook.request( “me/friends” )  – Alternate request


printTable( response )


local function processFBCommand() local response = {} if requestedFBCommand == GET\_USER\_INFO then response = facebook.request( "me" ) -- facebook.request( "me/friends" ) -- Alternate request end printTable( response ) end

Then taking response.username to use as the username but that returns a nil.

So I noticed in: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/graph-api/reference/user 

that there are values for, name, first name, last name, and ID, but nothing about a username. How do you typically handle a username when someone logs in using facebook? 

In my game I’ll allow users to upload custom made levels, and each level was going to have the username of the user that created it.  I noticed that 2 Dots shows the user’s email, but that doesn’t seem like a good idea. I know I have the user ID but that’s just a string of numbers and doesn’t make sense either. Then angry birds allows you to choose either your own name or a random name. I thought that facebook users already had a custom username that I could use?

Exactly… just concatenate first name and last name?  I’m not sure what username you are talking about on Facebook?

You could allow your players to add a user name when they upload?

Facebook does not have a “Username”. You use your email address to login. The ID is the unique user ID that you can use with your online service for its ID. Then you can display the first name for privacy reasons. You can also request the email permission and the email will be included in the /me package.


Hi Rob, facebook does have usernames.  I actually use my username to log in to facebook.