Ok, so I finally bought Spine a week or so ago, and I must say, it’s really amazing and great.
I made a really neat run animation that looks great, and a really neat walk animation that looks great. My character runs/walks according to their current speed, controlled by a joystick. I set it to play the run animation if the speed is over a certain threshold, and the walk animation if it’s under a certain threshold. I’ve added a mix between the two, as well as between them and the idle pose.
The problem is, when I try to change between the two, due to the mixing, if I go back and forth between speeds really quickly, the player animation kind of hovers between the two animations, with one leg out in a really weird-looking way. I can’t just not mix the animations, because the “snapping” between them is unacceptable.
I think if I could edit the actual keyframes of the animation (as complicated as that could be), I’d be able to fix it by making the animation dynamic based on speed (similar to the way Link’s is handled in Phantom Hourglass or Spirit Tracks - the faster you go, the farther and faster your arms and legs move and the faster your “hat thingy” flaps).
Unless there’s another way? How are smooth transitions between animations that potentially go back and forth quickly done? I would really appreciate some help.
Has anyone done something like this before?
- Caleb