I’m trying to use the ‘new’ on demand resources plug, but I can’t get it to work. The app always ends up with a black screen when I try to require the plugin.
In the log I can see the following error.
ERROR: Runtime error
module ‘plugin.onDemandResources’ not found:resource (plugin.onDemandResources.lu) does not exist in archive
no field package.preload[‘plugin.onDemandResources’]
When uploading to Testflight it indicates all four files are uploaded s o everything in the code seems to be correct. The buildsettings is a modified version of the file in Pewpew.
local odr = require ("plugin.onDemandResources" )
settings = { -- plugins = { ["plugin.onDemandResources"] = { publisherId = "com.coronalabs", supportedPlatforms = { tvos=true }, }, }, --]] android = { usesFeatures = { { name="android.hardware.touchscreen", required=false }, { name="android.hardware.gamepad", required=false }, { name="android.software.leanback", required=false }, }, supportsTV = true, isGame = true, mainIntentFilter = { categories = { "tv.ouya.intent.category.GAME", "android.intent.category.LEANBACK\_LAUNCHER", }, } }, tvos = { plist = { NSAppTransportSecurity = { NSAllowsArbitraryLoads=true }, }, -- tvOS app icons require multiple layers, and must provide both a small and a large size. icon = { -- A collection of 400x240 pngs, in order of top to bottom. small = { "Icon-tvOS-Small-Pew.png", "Icon-tvOS-Small-LogoA.png", "Icon-tvOS-Small-LogoB.png", "Icon-tvOS-Small-LogoC.png", "Icon-tvOS-Small-Background.png", }, -- A collection of 1280x768 pngs, in order of top to bottom. large = { "Icon-tvOS-Large-Pew.png", "Icon-tvOS-Large-LogoA.png", "Icon-tvOS-Large-LogoB.png", "Icon-tvOS-Large-LogoC.png", "Icon-tvOS-Large-Background.png", } }, -- A 1920x720 png file, displayed when your app is on the "top shelf". topShelfImage = "Icon-tvOS-TopShelf.png", -- A 1920x1080 png file, displayed briefly as your app loads. launchImage = "Icon-tvOS-Launch.png", -- onDemandResources = { { tag="TwilightPartA", resource="video/01.mp4" }, { tag="TwilightPartB", resource="video/02.mp4" }, { tag="MidnightPartA", resource="video/03.mp4" }, { tag="MidnightPartB", resource="video/04.mp4" }, }, --]] }, excludeFiles = { -- Exclude all Android icon files and .ogg files iphone = { "Icon-\*dpi.png", "\*.ogg" }, -- Exclude iOS "retina" image files and .aac files android = { "Icon.png", "\*@2x.png", "\*.aac" }, -- Exclude unnecessary assets from OS X desktop apps osx = { "Default\*.png", "Icon\*.png", "Icon\*.ico", "Icon\*.icns", "\*.aac" }, -- Exclude unnecessary assets from Win32 desktop apps win32 = { "Default\*.png", "Icon\*.png", "Icon\*.ico", "Icon\*.icns", "\*.aac" }, -- Exclude all Android icon files and .ogg files tvos = { "Icon-\*.png", "\*.ogg" }, }, orientation = { default = "landscapeLeft", supported = { "landscapeLeft", "landscapeRight" }, }, window = { suspendWhenMinimized = true, defaultViewWidth = 960, defaultViewHeight = 640, titleText = { default = "Deep Ocean Aquarium HD", }, }, }