Last week Qiso 1.1 released with support for Tiled Editor’s “infinite” maps and quirky map shapes, new functions for layer transparencies, and some extensions to the Tiled map importer to make things like door animations easier.
Today updates this even further!
Added the ability to pass a callback function to moveCharacter() which fires every time the character moves between tiles along the path. For example so that you can check for collisions with NPCs and switch to a battle.
Added stopCharacter() to prematurely end a character movement. Same example as above - you might need to end the movement and switch to battle an NPC or something.
Next on the agenda:
Tile based menu system. I.e. so that tiles containing a banana can all have a “pick up banana” action, etc.
Lighting system, so that emitters and blockers can be created in the maps that affect the brightness of individual tiles, allowing for dynamic lighting effects.
Tile positioned audio system, allowing for sound emitters to be created within the world that get louder/quieter as the camera pans over them.