New Alert: Migrate to supported version of google play billing library

Hello, today I have received an alert message for each of my apps, indicating that you have to update the billing library to version 6 and there is time until August 31.

Action Required: Migrate to supported version of the Google Play billing library

We are introduced changes to the lifecycke of Play Billing Library and its associated low schedules. As you currently use an earlier version of the library, we want you to be aware of the new key dates that you must comply with:

Before August 31, 2024, all new apps and updates of the existing apps must use version 6 of the billing library or a later version. If you need more time to update the app, you can request an extension until November 1, 2024.

Does anyone know if you working on an SDK build to be able to upload the updates before the limit date?

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Ugh. This two-year deprecation cycle they’re on for the billing library is a drag.

Quick update: I logged the issue on GitHub and Vlad has acknowledged that they’ll take care of it.


@colinmorgan Can you share the link to your issue? - I‘m in the same boat.

This issue will affect everyone using Solar2D who has implemented. (Which is to say everyone who has IAP offered through the Play Store.)

I logged the issue on the Solra2D GitHub page for It’s here:

Perfect, thank you! :+1:

@vlads I‘m in the process of updating my app. Do you have any eta?

This warning for new app and updates to old apps.


Any update on this? Did anyone find a way around it?

Yes, Vlad has informed me that it is now resolved. you just need to rebuild. you don’t have to modify anything. I have done it and it has been updated to v6

Thanks - that’s great news!
I just saw on Github that also a new version has been released… I’ve missed this. I was just checking the issue and since it was open I thought it’s not yet addressed. Anyway, happy to see it’s updated and I can finally get rid of Google’s deprecation message! :slight_smile:

Can anyone help me with this? Although Vlad has taken care of this in new builds, my last build date was May 29th. Was the implementation of the update integrated into the date I create a build, or into the date of the Solar2D build itself (i.e. 3706) ? If it was in 3706, I’m fine. If not, I may have to create a new build. Any help is much appreciated.

This doesn’t depend on the Solar2D version.
As all plugins, it gets downloaded automatically when you run the simulator.
(Just stay online)

Oh you mean you want to know when the plugin version has been released? :thinking:
Now I get it.
I’d just try to upload it, at worst it will tell you that the problem still persist

Unfortunately, was updated to Google IAP library 6.0 on June 11, so your build will still be out of compliance.

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Thank you @colinmorgan - I’ll just have to update them now :slight_smile: Better that you’ve shared this with me than Google shuts it down.

Tru dat. :grin:

Apparently, I am able to build with 3706 with no difficulty; and I’m assuming that the updated Google Play billing library is included. But strangely, when I attempt to build with the newest 3707, I receive a Build Error 256.

As was recently determined, Solar2D 3707 was a bad build. The latest 3709 should be fine, however, I’m still getting the Policy issue & warning in Google Play - this threat documents it: Google Play Policy Issue & Warning