oh that was a snap post …never mind. [import]uid: 6086 topic_id: 7999 reply_id: 28984[/import]
To Oliver ( forgive me for commenting )
I know it can be frustrating to miss a coupon, but I can’t help adding that it’s a little unfair to complain about xpressive ability to answer.
I hardly met any developer so willing to answer, giving always helpful infos, whatever the noob level of the question.
Anyway, if you’re new to Particle Candy (I read you bought it just a few days ago), your frustration will soon vanish once you realize how cool it is [import]uid: 9328 topic_id: 7999 reply_id: 29021[/import]
To Antheor
I will forgive you:-)
[import]uid: 37854 topic_id: 7999 reply_id: 29034[/import]
@Rob / p120ph37: Kerning is already supported, you can specify any char spacing, as well as line spacing. Adding individual x-offsets for each chars is no problem at all.
p120ph37, could you drop a mail to support at x-pressive.com so we can discuss the integration of Angelcode into Text Candy in detail then. [import]uid: 10504 topic_id: 7999 reply_id: 29117[/import]
What you are referring to is really just letter-spacing or tracking. Kerning involves the definition of inter letter space adjustment for particular letter pair occurrences which is then automatically applied to text as it is laid out. A well designed modern font may well have hundreds of kerning pairs defined which are an integral part of the typographer’s vision. I guess it’s not the end of the world but it’s a fairly important aspect of digital typography.
Anyway it looks like you are already on the case with p120ph37 so I will shut up and think myself lucky to have what Text Candy already is ------ pretty bloody magic
[import]uid: 6086 topic_id: 7999 reply_id: 29247[/import]
I’ve noticed a possible bug in Text Candy when using BOTTOM alignment. Here’s the code:
local titleText=textcandy.CreateText({
fontName=“TitleFont”, x=display.contentWidth/2, y=100,
I notice that, although the reference point is at the bottom of the group, the text is arranged with all of the tops of the character boxes level. Hence, since the characters are differing heights, the text does not line up along the baseline.
By making the following change around line 1245 in lib_text_candy.lua I find that the bottoms of the characters will line up:
–Img.y = y + Char.height *.5
Img.y = y + Group.totalHeight-Char.height*0.5 – AB 28 Mar 2011
Using this fix means that I don’t have to apply y offsets to a large number of letters since the text will print along a constant baseline; I’ll only need yOffsets for characters with descenders.
Just in case this isn’t clear, here’s a short clip that demonstrates the problem: http://twit.io/2Hh
Andy Bower [import]uid: 11045 topic_id: 7999 reply_id: 29912[/import]
A text object’s origin property has nothing to do with the char baseline alignment itself (which is always the char’s center with the current version). The text object’s origin property just determines how your text object is positioned on screen.
Aligning chars at a bottom line could be problematic for letters like “g”, “q”, “y” etc. Text Candy aligns chars using their center by default, but it might be more convenient to let the user decide, because it strongly depends on the charset used.
We’ll add another property to allow chars to be placed either on their top, center or bottom line.
[import]uid: 10504 topic_id: 7999 reply_id: 29965[/import]
@x-expressive.com. I agree that the bottom alignment idea isn’t perfect but it seems to me that the vast majority of characters will be easier to line up with such an option. Aligning to the vertical centre only works well if the character boxes are all equal sizes. This would make manually creating a font a lot harder since the individual characters images would need to be cut out accurately (which isn’t what you suggest on your tutorial page)
Anyway, thanks for the offer to add bottom alignment as a property; I think it will help significantly.
Of course, I would also be keen to be able to use GlyphDesigner fonts, which presumably would solve the issue completely. Any news on whether this might be possible in a future version? FWIW, I am not that interested in whether TextCandy supports true kerning (i.e. with multiple letter pairings) since I accept that really TC is for text effects rather than high quality typography. My main interest is being able to create fonts with special effects quickly. [import]uid: 11045 topic_id: 7999 reply_id: 29982[/import]
I have noticed a black screen when trying to load TC director class sample code.
More info on that issue if needed. [import]uid: 9328 topic_id: 7999 reply_id: 30059[/import]
bowerandy: Glyph Designer support is on top of our to do list. However, it may take a couple of days since we’re quite busy at the moment and don’t want to release any half-baken versions and want to give it some tests first.
Antheor: What Director version are you using? Did you check if the build.settings may need to be changed to fit your target device? [import]uid: 10504 topic_id: 7999 reply_id: 30109[/import]
Well, I have just tried to open your main.lua in the sample folder where you put director class.
Anyway, it seems I’m alone having the error. So I’ll try to check the terminal and come back with full infos
BTW, TC deserves its own 3rd party tools forum, no ? [import]uid: 9328 topic_id: 7999 reply_id: 30137[/import]
TC deserves an Oscar ! [import]uid: 6086 topic_id: 7999 reply_id: 30141[/import]
copy lib_text_candy.lua to the director sample directory
change line 7 in the director sample main.lua
TextCandy = require(“lib_text_candy”)
TextCandy = require("…/lib_text_candy")
so that the Text Candy library gets found [import]uid: 8366 topic_id: 7999 reply_id: 30199[/import]
Yes, both libs should always be placed in your project folder, also edit the require path then.
The reason why the packages aren’t shipped like this is that chances would be high that we accidentally ship an outdated library version in one of the sample folders, so we just include one copy of the library. So you’ll have to place a copy within each sample folder before using it the first time. [import]uid: 10504 topic_id: 7999 reply_id: 30271[/import]
Thx evs and xpressive. It indeed solved the problem [import]uid: 9328 topic_id: 7999 reply_id: 30340[/import]
Hi All,
Has anyone been able to run any of the samples on a real device? I get a blank black screen when I try to run any of the samples. I made the suggested changes to the TextCandy.AddCharset
Nathan. [import]uid: 23864 topic_id: 7999 reply_id: 30605[/import]
I haven’t run any of the samples on the device, but I have created a score object, and my company logo screen using Text Candy, and they run flawlessly on the device. [import]uid: 5317 topic_id: 7999 reply_id: 30634[/import]
My own project and textcandy samples run fine in the Corona simulator but fail in the xcode simulator and an ipod touch v4.21. Using Corona.268, director class and ui.
Nathan. [import]uid: 23864 topic_id: 7999 reply_id: 30635[/import]
I would like to use TC for displaying 1-3 short textfields of about 25 characters (same font always, with a size of 18) in a game that has rapid scene changes (something like Moron Test). I am restricted to change scenes quickly, with a delay of less than 500 ms. This is important for me.
I have already implemented a bitmap font solution but I’ve abandoned it because of the time it needs to construct the sprites (about 700-1200 milliseconds), althought the spritesheet remains constantly in memory.
Do you think that Texture Candy can give better results?
PS: A trial version would be ideal for such situations! [import]uid: 7356 topic_id: 7999 reply_id: 30650[/import]
It works on the device for me
I make sure EVERYTHING is in the same folder to be on the safe side
[import]uid: 8366 topic_id: 7999 reply_id: 30690[/import]