Works great for me too for a number of text displays in my game (including device build). Note the requirement that libraries be placed in the root directory (in the same folder as main.lua) [import]uid: 12448 topic_id: 7999 reply_id: 30722[/import]
Whoops, double post [import]uid: 12448 topic_id: 7999 reply_id: 30723[/import]
bought it and it’s great
But how do you do a line break in a displayed text?i have something like “text = (points … " POINTS”),", and i wand to insert a line break before “POINTS”. [import]uid: 44010 topic_id: 7999 reply_id: 30785[/import]
Use the pipe symbol | for line breaks
text = (points … “|POINTS”) [import]uid: 8366 topic_id: 7999 reply_id: 30786[/import]
Please excuse the delayed reply, folks -we’re currently not at our office, so it’s hard to manage things from here
@Magenda: if you need a very quick way to display texts (or sprites in general), you could try to create them before and set them to invisible, then make them visible just in time, using the .isVisible property. This should be faster than creating and removing objects. That’s just a general hint, not specific to Text Candy. [import]uid: 10504 topic_id: 7999 reply_id: 32147[/import]
Yes, I use this method for other graphics in my game and it works nicely. The thing with the text is that I need 2-3 textfields for *each* level of the game and I am planning to build 30+ levels. As a result, ~100 textfields (x20-25 chars) would require too much memory and processing time to be preprocessed. If I can cap the bitmap font thing to <500 ms it would be ok for processing the sprites on the fly.
This is the reason I was asking about the TC speed.
Cheers [import]uid: 7356 topic_id: 7999 reply_id: 32163[/import]
Has anyone used Text Candy on Android - if so what is the performance like (compared say to IOS)?
What is the performance like compared to using the basic font/text functions in Corona?
I already purchased Particle Candy a while ago and trying to decide whether the Text Candy package will be worthwhile for me.
I don’t so much want the fancy effects, just want to know what it is like as a text manager and how fast it is. I currently use my own custom bitmap font renderer, but it may not be as fast as it coulde be.
Thanks! [import]uid: 9428 topic_id: 7999 reply_id: 33748[/import]
Looking to purchase Particle Candy and Text Candy. Before doing so though I wanted to know if a bundle discount could be had or if my only option is to buy them for the full price (which I’d probably do separately in two different transactions in that case). [import]uid: 41892 topic_id: 7999 reply_id: 35103[/import]
We will definately offer a bundle discount soon (as soon as the next Particle Candy update went out). Until then, the Text Candy coupon code (50% off) will still be valid. [import]uid: 10504 topic_id: 7999 reply_id: 35353[/import]
I was wondering if you plan on releasing any more font packs? [import]uid: 28912 topic_id: 7999 reply_id: 35371[/import]
Yes, there will be additional font packs, too, of course. Those will be “general” fonts, however. To achieve that “special look” that exactly fits to your game or title screen, you should also not hesitate to make your own. Since you can re-use your fonts in any of your projects, it’s really worth the little effort. [import]uid: 10504 topic_id: 7999 reply_id: 35382[/import]
What a bargain! Thanks x-pressive, can’t wait to start using this! [import]uid: 54294 topic_id: 7999 reply_id: 35399[/import]
Hi Mike,
Any chance you guys could add a text input feature. It would be amazing to use for utility apps. As of now inputting text field kind of sucks in Corona, and doesn’t allow for multiline text.
If text candy had this feature it would be great. You could emulate a typing effect and other cool things. [import]uid: 8192 topic_id: 7999 reply_id: 36048[/import]
One more request. Can you make the vector text retina?
Thanks [import]uid: 8192 topic_id: 7999 reply_id: 36052[/import]
There seems to be an issue with vector fonts and spacing. If I use the Helvetica font some of the spacings between letters are really strange. [import]uid: 8192 topic_id: 7999 reply_id: 36060[/import]
@amigoni: Text Candy retrieves the width of a vector char by reading the width as delivered by Corona, so it seems that these property isn’t always accurate. We’ll see what we can do here but chances are low since there is no method to retrieve a vector font’s metrics (yet)
Text input: you could easily create your own using Text Candy since you can basically realize any kind of text input you imagine (a char wheel, a char table, a custom keyboard image, or just using the built-in keyboard etc.), but we’ll probably provide an example with the next update.
Retina sharp vector fonts are on the list. [import]uid: 10504 topic_id: 7999 reply_id: 36066[/import]
Thanks for the quick reply. I am looking forward to the example. The native text input is not part of the display hirechy, so it always displays on top. I can’t figure any other way around it, while still showing a blinking cursor and all. Someone has mentioned something about using a web popup as a temp solution.
Thanks again. [import]uid: 8192 topic_id: 7999 reply_id: 36102[/import]
Hm, there are countless ways of creating custom text inputs. While it would be easy to create a basic one (like the “enter your name” highscore feature as seen in many games), providing a full featured keyboard like the built-in one would be quite a bit of work. Keep in mind that the built-in one (which isn’t bad at all) can be configured by the device owner through the settings panel (country settings, language etc.) while you wouldn’t be able to provide this with a custom keyboard. It’d be a bit like re-inventing the wheel, wouldn’t it? [import]uid: 10504 topic_id: 7999 reply_id: 36239[/import]
I apologize. I don’t think I am explaining myself correctly. I don’t want to change the way you input text.
Please try to create a newTextField object. If you do so. You will notice that this object is not part of the display higherchy. You can’t include text field into a group. This is an issue as it always stays in front of anything displayed. Besides that, as you type the field never goes to the next line of the box. It keeps going right.
This issue might be beyond something you guys could do. One of the solutions that was proposed was to hide the text field and face the typeing with an enterframe event displaying what you just typed. Giving the illusion that you are still using a native text field. This would allow you to customize the look though and apply all of text Candy effects.
Unfortunately it would probably disable copy/paste features. The other issue might be to display a blinking cursor. Which would be hidden with the native text field.
So the issue is not the keyboard. It’s the textField. I think the only way to understand what I mean is to test it out.
Hope this clears it up. [import]uid: 8192 topic_id: 7999 reply_id: 36255[/import]
Not really, sorry Are you talking about a native text field or a Text Candy text object? Latter one can be handled like any other Corona display object and they are in no way related to native text fields.
Perhaps it’d make it more clear if you’d send us a small sample demonstrating what you’d like to achieve. [import]uid: 10504 topic_id: 7999 reply_id: 36268[/import]